
I must be getting old, because this title simply makes no sense. 

I pregamed for Philip Glass’ Satyagraha and I slept like a baby throughout the entire thing. I would do it again, too; while I admire Philip Glass that particular emperor is buck naked.

There are countless 2-door sedans (it was a standard bodystyle until the 70s, so not sure what you mean by “2 door sedan BS”), and go check out the 1962 Rover P5 Coupé for the first 4-dr coupé. Personally I would prefer to call this style a “fastback sedan”, but four-door coupé works just as well. Hatchback/liftback

Coupé refers to cut, as in having a low cut roofline or being shorter and lighter. Four-door coupés are not new, either, see Rover P5B. Other than that, I agree with you.

Proponent, opponent, exponent... whatevs

I agree with your final conclusion, but I think the Tesla price drop is mostly because the early EV adopter market is reaching saturation. (also due to Elon/Twitter/Chaos, but I think it’s mainly market forces).

I love chaos and I love snow, but I prefer it when people don’t die.

That’s lovely, but it’s a mere GT...

There are very few Porsches I dream of owning. This sits at the top of the list, just ahead of the 924 Carrera GTS.

It looks like a pretty good deal, as long as you are aware that the annual payments to the mechanic are also $13,900. NP.

Britons are very angry people. If they had guns the way Americans do, their population would be like 50% less.

In the Cleveland, Ohio, suburb of Newburgh Heights, for example, Black residents make up 22 percent of the population but 76 percent of license and insurance violations and 63 percent of speeding cases”

Genuine question: does anyone care about Formula E? It’s like the WNBA, a physical expression of a collective guilty conscience.

I wonder what the odds are of Tesla being the Lehman Brothers of 2023? I sure hope I am wrong, but it would be satisfying to see Musk actually have to work for a living.

Awesome backronym.

The “trust people have in government systems” not to damage their currencies IS the backing Major Malfunction is referring to.

I’ll jump off that cliff with the right compensation package.

I can’t tell if Priscilla was the person sitting next to him or if it is some sort of pop culture reference. Or maybe it will become one now?

I had the belts and gaskets ($1,100, they removed like fifteen bolts and dropped the drivetrain for ease of access) changed in my Honda Today and went to the shop like three times during the process...

Underrated comment