
When is the last time someone quirky was also a sex symbol in the US? This actually bodes well.

Thank you. You saved me some time and the tone of righteous anger is better than what I could have managed.

I know that’s the reason, that’s why I wrote “Or he knows to still keep that part quiet.”

What’s funny is that even Clarkson seems unsure of why, exactly. Or he knows to still keep that part quiet.

I am curious about these Credit Unions - I have (lazily) searched for one but without any luck; they all seem to be restricted to certain kinds of workers or other in groups to which I do not belong.

For those who bought their house ten-fifteen years ago and refinanced this summer, this is very true. I know one of my new neighbour’s mortgage is about a third of mine... 

I am willing to believe that - in every sunglass picture, they are drawn in waaayy too high on his face. Basic photoshop skills seem to be absent.

My grandmother (born in 1927 IIRC) refused to sleep in our guest bedroom until we moved the computer somewhere else...

If there was no stigma attached to driving a Tesla, then why are people making apologetic bumper stickers for Tesla owners? The three people I know who own Teslas are constantly making clear that while they may have Teslas they in no way endorse Musk.

Tesla can just sell the name, intellectual properties, and the factories to Toyota for what they are actually worth. The stock seems to have little to no relation to the company itself in any case.

Asia, Latin America, and Africa. Small numbers in Europe for now. In DR and Peru Chinese cars are becoming extremely common. You can even buy a new Hongqi in the Gulf States, which seems to be a good way to ingratiate yourself with Chinese investors/lenders.

Reverse: Exactly. I did a semester in Berlin and one of my classmates was a young Iraqi - he had bad PTSD and so did every family member of his who was still alive. Aside from having laid the groundwork for a “post-truth” world, Dubya and all his pack will burn in hell forever for Iraq, part 2.

The IMV seems to be a modern update of Toyota’s original AUV (Asian Utility Vehicle), the Kijang/Tamaraw. A good move and the kind of vehicle much of the world actually needs.

I wonder if there will be a second gen of any Tesla product?

Considering the size of Vingroup I would say it’s ripe for a government takeover. As soon as he stops laying golden eggs, there will be a bribery scandal or something and Pham Nhat Vuong will be but a memory.

Hey! This is the internet - you’re not supposed to admit any wrongdoing whatsoever!

It’s one of those things that no culture seems to be able to learn from others. Also, it’s a lesson that has to be re-learned every four or five generations, which is pretty depressing. Almost everything wrong with society today relates (or at least correlates) with the massive income gap.

Part of it is also the third world conditions of the infrastructure. I know I spend a good thirty percent of my brain effort while driving on avoiding potholes. I won’t own a truck or SUV, but it helps explain the phenomenon.

No. No, it is not. If some idiot high schoolers introduce you to the way like to entertain themselves it’s not a bad thing. No one suggested that this was normal behavior and no one tricked me; the point of the game is that it is transgressive.

That joke was by the original commenter.