
Also, why do knobs who drive Wranglers love installing red headlights?

Well, if I had a museum and unlimited wealth I would buy this over any number of RX-7s. I see RX-7s every week, I don’t need to see them again. I have seen exactly one 1st gen 626 in the last ten years and I was super excited.

Word. I am waiting for the Polo Variant to be importable, but finding one with A/C is proving complicated.


The Karma just won’t die, though, still leads some sort of zombie existence. It’s almost the closest thing to a modern Aston Martin Lagonda (speaking of flops...)

I lobbied hard to have our office moved to Midtown back in December. Now I take the LIRR to work and not only am I able to drive only when I feel like it, but I am reading like two novels a week and feel ever so good. I even get 20-25 minutes of walking every day.

I don’t believe a word of that guy’s story. Does anyone?

Why, though? Are there really no occasions when some sort of agency needs to identify a car from the front? I can’t think of any other nation where you can omit the front plate.

I like it. I don’t see myself ever getting one, as I prefer driving imported cars and they obviously have brackets and locations ready. What about allowing mini plates a la Italy?

Just changed four shocks and all of the engine mounts on my 1996 Toyota Caldina, waiting for new rubber bushings for the rear differential to arrive. My 1993 Honda Today is having the A/C swapped to take R134 (I am converting to the compressor from a 1995, rather than just putting R134 in the existing system) but the

Enough to pay for five years’ worth of gasoline.

Not filling your tank all the way is definitely the best way to save money (and time, since it makes your fillups quicker).

Yep. I would also like a white fridge that holds magnets. Stainless steel is really overkill for cladding a refrigerator.

Indian English is already its own thing. Add corporate bs and you soon become unintelligible to speakers of American English.

My mother is a physical therapist and can usually tell what back/leg/hip aches someone has from looking at a worn pair of their shoes. Presumably she can also fix them (the patients, not the shoes).

Didn’t Bigotman win the election a few years back, thanks to the Legion?

But that must have been the second generation Renault 5 (Supercinq) rather than a Le Car.

Bad take. The Yugo was very cheap, pretty modern, and fun to drive. The quality was so-so at best, but they were super easy to repair as long as you stayed in mitteleuropa.

I agree with everything except I also find it hideous. It looks like a badly cured casting of a car, bent in the middle. It also looks wildly underwheeled and apologetic, coupled with a bland front end and lots of black plastic. I would much prefer the Renault 14 or 18.

Yep. I drive a 48hp car and it’s fine in NY and Long Island, but once you start getting onto proper interstates it gets a bit daunting. 100hp should be enough for nearly everything one actually needs.