
They may have no right, but they still talk shit. Rocket league has that problem from time to time, same rank players proclaiming their teammates are terrible. People sometimes.

Fair enough. If the wall did come down, like melt, pretty sure that’d be enough water to flood most of the North.Would be a cool sight nonetheless.


i havent played overwatch, but i really like the music, in particular that track. It feels epic just watching someone play and listening to it.

Id love to see Bloodborne 2, i doubt that will be a thing, but i can dream. realistically, id be all about some GOW4

“That thing is lit!”

Im pretty stoked for some Mirrors Edge. The first one had flaws, but damn i loved that game.

Uncharted could be a good one if done right. I think it would take alot to bring it all togheter, right lead,director, etc. Is there still a movie being made about The Last Of Us? That could work. I’d like to see a Witcher universe TV show personally. Could be something special as long as it were on a network that

yeah its defintely a beautiful game. I don’t fault you for not getting past the slow start, i mean, its like a 10ish hour slow start. The story had me hooked and kept me in it long enough to open up. It does get better, if you decide to power through it one day haha.

i really enjoyed Ni No Kuni, it does start a bit slow, but when you get your full party and all your commands, it really opens up and is a real joy to play. Its not perfect, but man i had a great 55 hours with it. It may matter that i didnt go in with high expectations, just grabbed it up on sale one day because i

The only game that has stood out for me is Dark Souls 3. I cant really think of anyhting this year that has wowed me. With that said, still havent played Uncharted 4.

Man, it made my day to see Wild Arms 3 come out for ps4. I burned up the first three on ps1/2 while growing up. The first Wild Arms and Vandal Hearts are some really overlooked rpg’s imo. I enjoyed 3 alot, but i think one and two are still better. Never played any after three, although i think some more sequels