Mr. Mastodon Farm

@UnMicD: Maybe on the packaging (though I'm not even sure about that), but can you think of any authorized third-party iPhone/iPod accessory that has the Apple logo on the product itself? I don't think I've ever seen one, and I would be very surprised if Apple allowed this.

No XP support means I can't use this as a Dropbox replacement—I have an XP box at work.

@Kobbra: At first I thought that guy was being assaulted, but on further review I think he's digging it.

@Jason Aponte: I've had mine since March 2006. Not a single problem (knock wood).

@ian.bertolacci: I installed CyDelete, which lets you delete jailbroken apps the same way delete iTunes store apps (via the little x icon), and used that to delete limera1n. Worked like a charm.

That thing looks sketchy. Like Leisure Suit Pac-Man.

Fear of getting "banged up" in prison is the #1 reason I never commit any crimes.

@AbeVigodasSon: Yeah, waiting three years to act on your idea for a cell phone accessory was kind of a risky move.

@Nigra: Glad to help. Your constant scare quotes around "nonprofit" made it look like you though nonprofit = free.

@Nigra: It means the organization doesn't have owners who make a profit from the organization's operations. It doesn't mean the organization can't charge a fee to cover the costs of its services.

@Nigra: I don't think "nonprofit" means what you think it means.

@SEDAGIVE?!: Man Vs. Protein, coming this fall to the Discovery Channel.

Wouldn't it be cheaper (and more space-efficient) to just buy a gun?

@Slinkytech: Thank you. Ideally the article would have mentioned this.

@jdbutvin: Okay, so I see the "terminate your account" part, but not the "turn your information over to the RIAA" part. I don't think they can do that if their privacy policy doesn't say anything about it.

@jdbutvin: Where did you learn that? I don't see anything about it in their privacy policy.

I call shenanigans. There are a little over 6 million car accidents every year. We're to believe that more than 1 in 5 of these is caused by a cell phone? Seems unlikely.