Mr. Mastodon Farm

Damnit, every time I see WoW being discussed I suffer withdrawal symptoms.

Hakuna Matata

If they did the old E3 but spaced all of the events over a longer period of time, would people be happy?

Looks like shit. Guess I can take that one off my list.

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can

Okay, shouting PRIMUS SUCKS, waiting for a negative reaction, and then verbally spanking who ever you got a rise out of because you're "in on the joke" was funny like ten years ago; now anybody who has a tiny bit of interest in the band is probably going to know about this and blurt it out like an idiot every chance

I wish I would have read it was from Something Awful BEFORE I scrolled through the setlist.

Uhg. Sales figure penis waving and an overall lack of excitement. I guess this is what happens when you turn a lively convention into a press-only event.

Is that really Greenblatt's art? Seems like he kind of lost his touch. He should just recycle Dazzeloids characters, since nobody on the face of the earth has played that game.

This E3 has been like opening presents on Christmas Morning to find nothing but underwear and a large container of bag balm.

You made a typo. Clearly these are Death Note characters.


She should really shave more often.