Mr. Mastodon Farm

A lot of people isolate themselves from the incident and crack jokes as a coping method (Especially younger people). They didn't commit any crime. Teenagers grinning when there's blood on the street is the exact same amount of stupid as making a big deal out of some grinning teenagers when there's blood on the street.

Desecrating memorials for the sake of advertising is just something you don't do.

A Guitar Hero competition at Dicks park.

If I LIKED Activision Guitar Hero, then it would be just fine.

I played for about a year and it was hands down the best, most immersive multiplayer experience ever, and the patches had good balance between "casual" and "hardcore" content. And then Tigole strangled it to death. RAIDS RAIDS RAIDS RAIDS RAIDS

Some of the textures look like shit.

I'm still sitting here perplexed by the review scores for this game. It was actually pretty lackluster compared to the others, but seems to have gotten the best reception(Halo 3 syndrome?)

I believe BET also depicts black people as inhuman savages.

Dear Dreamworks Animation:

I would be more interested in how it works if half of the soundtrack didn't suck. Activision can't seem to find a good balance of different genres/eras.

Out of absolute fucking nowhere, Jimmy Buffet. I lol'd.

The concern was founded.

I'm pretty exited about this, I loved No More Heroes.

The first one kind of gives me a MAD magazine vibe, or a more 80's style of drawing.

It would be funny if the already announced Satisfaction ended up being the Devo cover.