Mr. Fluffykins

My first goals when I get around to playing Fallout 3 are to find my apartment building and find the office building where I work.

I don't know if I'd want to buy a NES after watching that, but I do have a strange desire to assimilate into whatever robotic master race they're championing.

@Brian Ashcraft: My opinion is invalid because I didn't suggest an alternative? I didn't think any comment deserved to be nominated.

I'm disappointed by the pick from the journalism death thread. There were much better comments ones than this one. I mean, dude is coming out a bragging about being prescient, but his recommendations are bogus. First, e-readers never became popular, so I don't see what good investing in them would have done.

@p.e.r.e.g.r.i.n.e.: If you think the garbage that floods the comment sections newspapers' websites is "analysis" and "insight", then there's something seriously wrong with you. Even moreso if you're forming opinions based off it.

Bash, can we save time by just buying a copy of your book and send it to you to sign (with return postage included, of course)?

@Mit: Have you played Half-Life 2?

They don't have to make new versions of Baldur's Gate. They just need to repackage and sell me the old ones again. It's okay, I'll buy one for every platform they choose to give it to me on.

@NeVeRMoRe666: I hope you went to a T14 school, or else you're screwed. Even T14 graduates are screwed for the next few years. The recession has not been kind to the law business.

@shdwcaster: Who says the dead tree outlets are going away? Do you not read some online version of a major newspaper daily? If not you personally, certainly you must be aware of the countless others who do. Those outlets will not be replaced by blogs.

@iwantcokeinabottle: The business had ben struggling well before the recession hit. Particularly print media outlets had been losing lots of money as advertisers and readers went online. Nobody has been particularly successful monetizing their online offerings. As you say, without serious insider connections your

@Komrade_Kayce: Well fortunately you just got in, so you have plenty of time to change majors. It's fairly common for people to change after they get in. Some advice from someone who's been out a while: computer science, engineering, and hard science majors are easiest to turn into jobs when you get out. Avoid

@Ryodestined: The internet sure learned you a lesson! One man's weaksauce is the rest of the internet's Hyper Multi-Tap gold.

Are we allowed to talk about the substance of these comments in this thread, or is this thread just for back patting? I don't want to invoke the ire of the banhammer.

@Chagrin: Roll to save versus irony, with a -100 penalty.

@Lotharian: The add actually appeared in the Nov. 4 New York Times.

One has to wonder if this is just a ploy to thin the applicant pool of dumb fanboys who think "I can work for Square!" and send in a resume. I bet it is.

@p0wd3rd: What he's saying is that this "write a story" test for applicants has been around a while. I know that's at least somewhat true because they had this test posted on their Japanese job site when I checked about a month or so ago.

@Clarke: Comments like that are fine if you point out where the store is located (which you didn't do). For example, the Best Buy in Bailey's Crosscroads, VA had about 20 Wiis stacked up last Sunday when I was there.

National Treasure 2 wasn't that bad...