Mr. Fluffykins

@Mr. Fluffykins: Although I don't think anyone ready my comment, I'd like to point out I was wrong. The advanced maps of the regular chambers are the same as The Orange Box.

Man, who's going to go line up in Tysons Corner? If you're enough of a fan to go to the midnight launch, you're enough of a fan to schlep up to Rockville to meet the dev. team.

In addition to the 14 new maps, there are also 6 new versions of the advanced maps from the regular test chambers. Might that be the Xbox exclusive part?

@trogam: @TehLastTimeLord: My profile has been updated with my Gamertag. I'm putting your sincerity to the test, Kotaku comment thread!

I don't have any friends. Will I enjoy Left 4 Dead?

Has it ever been established if Valve is using all or just some of the maps from the flash pack for the bonus maps?

JT is a troll and the only way to get rid of a troll is to ignore it. Does anyone really think anything we do here affects his ability to get attention from MSM?

"Online", not "anyline". Sad.

Does anyone still play XBLA version of Doom anyline? I've yet to see a soul.

Can the DS make the combat in Mass Effect not suck?

Quake done Quick is still my favorite speedrun. Those were the days....

I'm not sure what the big deal is. Women are always startled when the see me.

Bash, you didn't mention the update to the Everyone's Nintendo Channel! You can pause videos now.

Sony fanboy defense squad coming in 3...2...1...

@Koztah: A non-gaming PC costs significantly less than a gaming PC, so your argument falls flat.

A lot of you PC gamers like to gloat about all your free perks like maps packs and patches, but how much did you pay for your gaming rig? How much did I pay for my 360? That sort of evens everything out.

You don't get to fight the spiders and scorpions? No amount of happy pills and mellow music is going to keep me from being annoyed by that.

So is that Clone Wars game (you know, that one that claims to be 'the lightsaber game') going to use this? Can we also assume this will be in the next Zelda?

The game totally sets you up to be evil. It wants you to get the bad ending. Then it wants you to play through again as repentance. At least, that's what it would feel like if I ever played through again.