max powers

Does anyone else have an issue where after they type for a bit the cursor returns to the beginning of the post?

glad i’m not the only one who felt the “this was written by dudes freaked out the boys club is coming to an end!” vibe. Chey especially came off this way. his white liberal woman sketch seemed less about going after liberal white women as defending men by making women’s concerns (all women, not just white liberal

This is going to be the truest test to whether people are committed to justice for sexual offense victims or not.The last few people who have been taken down were either not stars (weinstein) or were relatively low-level ones. CK is the first person who could be considered a high level celebrity. It’s easy to support

This REALLY felt derivitive of previous episodes. They reused the 5 pronged chalk writer, as if the chalk jokes weren’t already overdone, along with the “Lisa simpson, you failed X so you can’t be president” joke. Except without finding out monster island is in fact a peninsula.

the whole thing with tina becoming a bully felt a little “both sides” ish. Tammy had been mean or manipulative to tina from day one, to expect kindness back seems a little much. Tammy seemed like she could dish it, but not take it.