
Agree, the beer snobbery has reached critical mass — but the upside is that we continue to get more and more of these fantastic craft beers. Surly is great, but you should check out Indeed, Fulton, Dangerous Man, Steel Toe ... the list goes on and on.

Hellraising Hot Sauce — try Kowalski’s on Grand my friend!

That’s the point!

Non liquids can raise the pH level if you continue adding items that are low acid (some veggies, dairy, etc.) but you can always bring it back down by adding acidic food or liquid. There are charts like this… out there to help guide you. Good luck!

See my post answering Will’s — you need a pH meter or some pH strips to get an accurate reading. Vinegar is the quickest way to reduce pH level. Canning is similar to bottling, just make sure everything is sterilized and properly sealed!

Target levels for pH in shelf stable foods is 4.6. As as licensed food processor, I shoot for 4.0 or below just to be safe and allow for a margin of error.

Love this recipe. It’s very close to a hot sauce we produce in Minnesota, but we use cinnamon instead of ginger, and no booze.

My wife and I own a gourmet hot sauce company and Ghost peppers in 2015 are what Habaneros were in the late 90s — the scary hot pepper that everyone is sort of afraid to try but has heard about. It’s strictly marketing on Taco Bell’s part, and I have no doubt all three sauces taste like over-produced synthetic crap.

It is fascinating how teams move around like some big weird chess board. I also just realized that San Diego lost the Rockets to Houston and the Clippers to LA!

Kansas City lost an NHL hockey team (the Scouts) after only two years. They went to Colorado (the short-lived hockey Rockies!) before winding up as the New Jersey Devils. Of course they also lost the NBA kings. Seattle lost the Pilots after ONE season and they became the Brewers. And we all know what happened to the

I lived in Seattle then and I remember watching this game, getting more and more agitated as the Indians kept drawing close and finally melting down completely when they won. I attended the game 5 Seattle win over Cleveland in the divisional series, so there was a sense of revenge at least. With no prior allegiance to

A not-so-bright friend of mine decided to bake a pumpkin pie for her boyfriend. She scooped out the insides of a pumpkin, poured it in a pre-made pie crust and put it in the oven. Sometime later, the boyfriend said “what is that godawful smell?” You can guess the rest.

To avoid all of this “en” naming nonsense, I named my kids Sam and Henry. Also, so I could say things like “Let Sam and Hank take care of it” and imagine myself as some sort of suburban crime boss.

Those jalapenos aren’t sitting in their own juice, they are pickled (that’s also known as natural preservation) in vinegar. Also, what’s wrong with banana peppers???

I read Thomas "Hollywood" Hendrson's book about 20 years ago and in-between anecdotes about snorting coke and threatening to murder people, he told a lovely story about Ditka (Cowboys special teams coach at the time) ordering a young Henderson to take out Tom Dempsey on the opening kickoff. Apparently Dempsey would