
Are you trying to tell me Democrats also serve the rich? Lol okay! <insert sassy gif>

She was a Senator when she voted to authorize the Iraq war. So no.

Wikileaks exposed threats to democracy.

So you are against killing unless it’s someone you don’t like? Got it. Thanks.

What? I just pointed out that your statement was factually wrong.

Obama really put the screws to the ultra rich. Hillary would have crushed them. And ended poverty. And war.

Since GWB? Please read some history.

Hillary had them too. Obama has been very friendly with the Saudis.

Now “liberals” are advocating getting guns? They are also apparently in favor of extrajudicial assassination, and a new Red Scare. Unbelievable.

Why is it bad for Trump to assassinate people if it was okay for Obama to do so?

I’m a liberal. I don’t advocate extra judicial assassination.

...okay? I guess all you can do when called out on your hypocrisy is make increasingly bizarre statements. Have fun with that.

I am alarmed by what Trump may potentially do. I was also alarmed by the innocent people Obama killed. Were you?

You’re behaving just like the fox news idiots did during Obama’s term. Calm down. Stop the hysteria.

Trump must be a real tolerant Nazi as he has a Jewish daughter.

Calm down. Obama was murder friendly as well.

The “liberals” here apparently don’t have a problem with murdering innocent people if they disagree with them. Who is the fascist again?

A real man engages in extrajudicial assasination and then kills that person’s innocent family? Wow. Trump also promised to do that so I guess you’re calling him a real man too. Wow wow wow.

Iraq, Libya etc.

Your hysteria and hypocrisy are amusing.