
It's a miracle DeRozan didn't injure his leg landing on that giant sign!!1

"That's what they're charging you with? Ha, ha, ha. Let me tell you, Dzhokar, the law is on our side with this one."

I wish that, just once, I had gotten a chance to play with someone like that while I was in high school. It would have been such an amazing experie [pass hits me in the face]


Saw that earlier...thought I had turned to a new Arrested Development episode.

Rick Telander, circa 1997:

I got a particularly juicy parking spot in front of my building after lunch and about 15 coworkers just walked by staring at me watching my phone while simultaneously laughing and crying.

This is the greatest smile in the history of smiles.

Yeah, I know I would not like to be outed as eating ranch dressing and drinking orange juice.

Mike Jerrick's throwaway line "he's into watersports" is possibly the sneakiest, dirtiest thing ever said on television.

Comment of the day. Yes.

I know he's a suspected bomber and murderer, but would it hurt him to smile in ONE picture?

what the hell is Sammy Sosa doing in his prom photo?

He's my dad.

I know an outfielder named Gwynn



...and Joe Pesci was never invited back to host Miss USA again.

Now I know that instead of rooting for a Kentucky-Arizona-Villanova-Kansas State-etc. all-Wildcat Final 4, the odds would have been better for a Memphis-Missouri-Clemson-Princeton-etc. all-Tigers bracket.