Michael Peterson

Man I miss the 80's and 90's when everyone wasn’t acting like a little b*tch about everything.” I, too, wish the government of Florida didn’t act like the LGBT+ community had cooties.


If an organization cancels an event they were going to hold, they should be allowed to explain why. I’m sorry you think keeping their attendees safe and LGBTQ+ people existing (which make up a decent number of speedrunners for some games) are “politics”.

Shut the fuck up snowflake

Why do I get the feeling that anything longer than a tweet is too long for you to read?

I usually don’t have time to read the Kotaku features, so I fully expected to browse the first couple of paragraphs and move on.

It’s a good time to explain that even if you disagree there is room for reasonable discussion on the topic, and that responding with taunts, threats and name calling only proves the author’s point

Kirk, this is easily the best game review I’ve ever read, but also the best writing of any kind that I’ve read on this website. I enjoyed your creative narrative prose over the the technical trappings of FPS and otherdata.”

This is the month that makes you envious of Games With Gold?

Said nobody ever.

As someone embedded in the Xbox ecosystem, don’t switch. The exclusives for the PS4 have been miles beyond the Xbox this generation. Really sucks, because I like the Xbox controller so much more than the PS4 controller.

The world is horrible so we should all be horrible to each other because that’s just the way it is and should be.

The debate was spur of the moment, thinking on his feet with no time to apply a coating of bullshit to his viewpoints. Here he had time to prepare and cover the nastier parts of his views with the appropriate doublespeak.

The problem is that their own ignorant rot is contagious, and if you let it fester untreated, you have an outbreak.

Nazis gonna nazi... And get upset when you call them nazis.

This is really where I am sitting with the whole thing. He can clarify all he wants, but the fact is he demonstrated a lot of racist ideas. You can try and soften their impact but that is him just talking around what he said. He blatently said black people are more criminal across socioeconomic levels and when

Jon’s views aren’t based on real statistics, but from Breitbart bullshit. He argued that the most well off black person is still more violent and more likely to commit crimes than the worst off whites. Please don’t let him half-assedly backpedal from such a blatantly racist (and factually incorrect) statement.

Not only is this despicable, it’s testament to how ignorant and stupid these cretins are. Bad animation can be the result of slow tools, unfriendly tech, limited staff resources, and countless other factors (including but not limited to the fact that getting human faces to feel “human” is really friggin’ hard). That’s

Wow do I hate gamers like this. I know there are bad apples in every kind of hobby/fandom/whatever, but man oh man is this particular brand of bullshit getting way too common for my liking.