
my ex cheated on me, the relationship was troubled long before the enlightenment of adultery came along. we both knew there were problems, we both didn't know how to handle the problems, we both were hurtful. these people that claim to have been blissfully unaware blow my mind. but that's because i only have my own

It's not even about being a woman. It's about being a good person (or not a shitty one). A male friend of mine had a clear shot at a woman he was really into recently. She was literally all over him and trying to get him in bed. He told her flat out he was not interested in a relationship and she was all, "Don't

I disagree with the 'once a cheater, always a cheater' thing, because people are not a monolith and they cheat for myriad reasons. Some people are total assholes, some are not, but most people are fundamentally ok and yet do stupid and hurtful shit every once in a while.

Your response is incredibly gendered, you cannot claim the moral highground when you call someone a whore and a bitch. There are much more constructive ways of critiquing the ill-advised website than descending to sexist name calling.

How much money did your website donate to childhood cancer? Or did you simply "go gold" ? Cancer survivor here (the nasty pink money sucking kind). Can't stand slacktivism. NFL, pfft. BTW, also super sick of my disease being trotted out as some scapegoat for lack of funding or supposed lack of "awareness" when it

Yeah... I find it annoying that people keep acting like those of us who are saying "the other woman is a shitty person" are letting the guy who cheated off the hook. We're not— they are both terrible shitbags. And then there are all the, "sometimes the other woman doesn't KNOW she's the other woman, did you ever think

Clearly the cheater is more at fault than the mistress. He took the vows and all but I long for the day when women stick together and stop doing shitty things to one another....And as long as I'm dreaming I'd like a pony.

I have a truly awful being-cheated-on story and while I would have loved to ruin the other woman's life, I couldn't bring myself to really go after her as there were many things going on in my life that meant that I could not indulge my rage. Frankly, her life is pretty shitty and since she wanted to have mine so

I completely agree. The young lady who had sex with my now ex-husband when she didn't know he was married to me — I hold her blameless. When he told her on their third "date" and she continued to fuck him while we were going through a year of marital counselling — I assign half of the blame to her. She knew what she

I've always wondered if people save their more intense rage for "the other person", because it is easier to think really horrible thoughts about them. As opposed to having all those hateful thoughts about the person you love/care about. You have no emotional attachment to the other person and can therefore hope they

Well, don't date a married man. It's really that easy. If a marriage is on the rocks it doesn't need any help from some idiotic woman who thinks that the married man will leave his wife for her. I've seen a few marriages break up affairs. It's not pretty and a lot of people and children suffer for it. If you engage in

From a female standpoint, I think the main problem with this is the interaction. That's why porn isn't cheating, because you're not interacting with another person, you're just looking at naked people. But Skype and phone sex involves live communication with another person. There's no reason you should need that if

just an aside, as a runner one sometimes has to defecate on a run and at 4am the world is pretty much your toilet

If you think that's tasteless, just think about that time their agent pitched a cover of the Talking Heads song "Burning Down The House."

You think? To me, it seems like she was pregnant, and now she's, y'know, The food source for the result.

She keeps using her child as the reason for the determent, because the child IS the reason. Try to understand the biology and the decisions that the family has already made for taking care of child. Consider the impact this will have on her ability to function as a juror.

Seems to me someone thought the owner was doing the wrong thing by letting his cat roam around town and thought they were 'saving' rather than 'stealing' and then thought this was a cute way to let him know his cat was safe. I think these people are clearly assholes who have no idea that they are assholes. The kind of

What the what?? Within the past year I was called for jury duty but since I have a child under 5, I just needed to attached a copy of her birth certificate and the fact that I don't have child care and I'm off the hook until my youngest kid turns 5. They didn't even need to know the current state of my kid's

If you are going to keep a baby's sole food supply away from the baby for an entire day... that's a problem. The choices are either exempt breastfeeding mothers without child care, or allow babies in jury duty.