
For all the condemnation of Reno's actions in Waco, how many remember that she was NOT the A.G. when the original ATF raid was done? She inherited that shitshow, and after the ATF raid, I doubt that Koresh was letting anyone out alive.

There is a big difference between disagreeing with Kapernick's decision to protest (it's clearly his right) and disagreeing with his REASON for protesting. Just because he has the right to sit doesn't magically make his accusations against police and the rest of society factually correct.

For some reason, Magrat shot a glance at Greebo, who had the decency to look embarrassed.

So hard to pick just one! My favorite is probably "Hogfather", for it's discussion on belief and creation; and Susan Sto Helit is my favorite character. Close second is "Lords and Ladies", for showing the strength in ALL the witches, not just Granny Weatherwax. "Night Watch" was IMHO where the stories became darker