
Ha! I guess peens are pretty fascinating. And may look like dental chews.

Yeah he cleaned the whole house.

John and Kate Plus Eight Ball.

And ps. some very legitimate studies show alcohol has very little affect WHILE breastfeeding... So yes, the two are very different. But for all we know this lady is a good mom who had a crazy night and thought she had over compensated on her timing and in reality massively fucked up.

Okay... my SIL has been told to pump and dump if she drinks, and feed the baby stored milk (from the freezer) if he needs it, but the pumping is just because if she goes too long past his regular feeding time, *she* gets uncomfortable. It’s not that she’s getting out the “tainted” milk, it’s that she needs to get the

It’s hard not to judge someone who isn’t able to abstain from cocaine WHILE BREASTFEEDING.

Sooo... You go through the effort to breastfeed, but can’t stay off the coke while you’re doing it? Sometimes breastfeeding *isn’t* the healthiest choice for your baby.

Hear me out on this; is this really worse than women that drink while breastfeeding? You drink, you wait, you pump and dump, you’re golden. She just misjudged her time frame in the extreme which is a shame. But if she’d done this with alcohol would it even be news? Also don’t fucking concern troll me, I’m not

So did she pump and dump while high on cocaine? Because no way a breastfeeding mom can wait 12 hours at 4 months post-partum to empty her breasts. That just sounds like the worst high ever.

Seriously. If you haven’t learned to keep pumped reserves on hand before doing douchey drugs with the first kid, the second one is going to be completely fucked. Smarten up.

Not something I’m putting into my google search history.

I’ll probably not mind the cat unless he's in the way. Well, more like sitting at the edge of the bed being all judgy. Then I just kick him out for a while.

My best cat used to sit on the couch next to visitors and slowly show them his little pencil dick. While staring at them.

Totally normal. Pets don’t need to be kicked out unless they interfere.

I should be awe-ing at the cute kitty, but I’m pissed off at yet another portrayal of a thin, conventionally attractive woman and an overweight man. Apparently fat girls don’t get sexytime, even in pet food ads.

Jon would never marry a sociopath like Dany.

You do realize that twincest has been happening on GOT since episode 1. And Cersei & Jaime have even started boasting about it. That’s much grosser than relatives who have never met, hooking up.

Very relatable. I still mentally justify things like an Xbox by the ‘avoided costs syndrome’ - if I play Xbox for 10 hours instead of, say, going to 5 movies, then I’ve ‘justified’ it. It feels like I have to go through mental gymnastics for anything I buy for myself - but when I buy things for other people, I never

Jon and Arya? Jon and Sansa? Now that’s creepy. He may only be their cousin, but he was raised with them as their brother, and they aren’t Targaryens. Jon/Dany is a better match.

We, the HBO execs agree to HBO sex so we give you John Oliver humping a direwolf.