
They almost certainly do. They did this ten years ago, even. It wasn’t a big thing but I did meet a handful of ppl who had gotten into UT that way.

I went to one of those Houston highschools, I went to UT as a top-tenner. There were 969 people in my graduating highschool class, yes mostly white. I was a ‘sneaky rich white person,’ I grew up in poverty on a farm but went to live with my rich auntie to go to highschool bc I’m bright and it would be a path to

Aw. He’s alright I’m sure. I come from a musical family myself, I’m hopeless at it. They think it’s weird/somewhat suspect I’m not that into music too. I did get the gift for languages, though, so I'm not that upset about being profoundly unmusical... ;)


I saw him a few years ago. He was s really chill funny guy. Someone asked what kind of music he liked and he said none really, he wasn’t interested in music. It was delivered in such a charming cheeky manner, not the deep dark shade such a stupid question should elicit. Also pleased me a bit because I also don’t care

Yeah maybe. I see a lot of ppl saying that, but I don’t see it. She makes mistakes, yep, she kills people in bloody ways, yep. But it’s for a purpose. To end slavery. To end oppression. To remove shit stain dude bros from power. She isn’t malicious like Cersei, she isn’t cruel for cruelty’s sake. ashe listens to solid

Yeah but maybe she gets a look at Jon, catches a whiff of his sweet musky honour and integrity, realizes he's a suitable match/unkillable warrior and her panties crash through the floor of the throne room.

Wasn’t there a prophecy that she would bear a child when the sun rises in the west and sinks in the east? It was written off as “she’ll never have children” but that's facile. With the way prophecy is so important in that world, and the way the seasons work, it's possible that when Dany arrives in westeros to begin

I don’t like her exactly. But- from the beginning of the first episode of the first season, it was really apparent how much she was a product of her upbringing/marriage, and the ways she’d always been passed over for any real power. Maybe if Robert hadn’t been such a stupid ass loving a dead woman who didn’t want him

What makes you think she wants a throne? I see her as wanting what she had as a girl-safety, security, her family at winterfell. She can’t bring back the dead, but she can start her own stark family, she can hold winterfell while Jon saves the world, she can create a place of refuge/home base for her remaining

I had a hard time falling asleep last night, I was wandering around that library and obsessing over what possible filing system they might have to keep track of where the knowledge is. Trying to find the right books, as I lay suspended between sleep and awake... Lol.

She won’t use her dragons directly to kill the white walkers. Sam will set up a dragon glass/valerian steel forge that makes use of the dragon fire to create effective weapons.

He's not. Pisses me off to read that he's still pining over Cat and sees her in Sansa blah blah he's obsessed. Poppycock. He wants her as a playing piece in his game. Period. HE GAVE HER TO ANOTHER MAN IN MARRIAGE WITHOUT DUE DILIGENCE. That's not the action of a man nurturing a thirty year old obsession. He literally

You know, the way he laid bare his desires to Sansa doesn’t sit right. He never does that. Some have suggested that he’s so close to his goal, he’s being over confident. I think it has to be something else. He may want to fuck her, he may want to possess her (body, house, title, power), but I don’t at al buy his

If varys went over to get ships, he wouldn’t know they had the iron fleet. I assumed he met their ships at sea or something.

When I spotted the wine-wench, it was just a few seconds and I said “that wench is arya, if arya coulda got to twins already.” And then she was. I don't think time is meant to be linear on the episodes. Instead, I think they weave together the important bits from each story, more or less grouping events thematically

Monkey glands were used for aging men to bring back their “vigor.” Like Viagra, but I gather its effects were more holistic than just getting a boner. ACDoyle wrote a Sherlock mystery around it, “The Creeping Man,” in 1923.

I thought the same, regarding his naked indescretion. Giving Sansa to Ramsey was another mistake. (And also, how would that get him closer to his “picture”?)

Me too! I’m a constant, omnivorous reader but, holy shit, I can’t read those poorly written, boring books. Grrm’s special talent is world-building and perhaps a bit story-telling. That’s it. He’s definitely not a writer who has complete command of his craft.

I love that. Exactly the dynamic we have lol.