
Thank you, and agreed. I’m an American, I was a freshman in college and was struck by a car. True, I was jaywalking, but it laid me out and I had to go to hospital for scans etc. they gave me good pain meds and sent me away after three hours. The bill was $21,000. I had no insurance and was at school on scholarships.

Ding ding ding!

I agree, very slightly, with your main thesis but the way you write makes it sound like you just beat the snot out of your kid and feel guilty about it. You talk like my own mom. Also, the writer of the essay is a man, so, thereyago.

Get out of my head, that's what I was pulling for too! It gives Melissandre a bit less power and seals the targ suspicions...

Yeah I gave Roose more credit than he deserved, I figured he knows Ramsey is a monster and would put him in chains at the news he had a baby son. Something. But no, he trusted his mad dog heir just a little too much.

He was also very good in the quiet movie Scapegoat (based on the novel by dumaurier).

Oooooh! Now I can't decide whether I want Jon/Sansa to kill him in an attack on winterfell, or walden to do it at his place. Mmmm yum.

He has said in interviews that he takes a lot of inspiration for his character from the joker. And he and theon are bffs Irl.

Well, the bible covers thousands of years. Just saying. You're comparing apples to apple trees.

I like to think he met Ned after he died and Ned fulfilled his promise to tell him about his mother.

I took that as ghost recognising that Jon had come back.

I was sorta pulling for Melissandre to fail the resurrection and for Jons body to be unburnt on the pyre, and he rises from the ashes bearing his lightbringer. Echoes of the mother of dragons... But I guess what they did was alright.

Desert witch had just been gang raped and had her village destroyed. Duh doy any magic she did in that state would be tainted, even if she had *wanted* to do some good clean magic. I’m still pissed at danys naievete about it.

That could be the depression talking. My depression chants the same thing.

I love how he's always so presidential but when you see photos of them together at fancy events she always looks like the Empress of the World with her footman Barack in tow. God I hope they stay in the public eye.

Pssssht please. At no point in their relationship has beyonce not had plenty of her own bank. Next theory, please.

Yep. I’ve been there myself. I haven’t listened to Lemonade yet, I want to be alone because I’ve trod the path she’s singing about. Backwards and forwards. Her honesty brings so many emotions to the surface for me and sets them free, but I fear the power a little bit. Later this week, when school holidays are over and

Lol, that’s hilarious. I bet that’s at least part of it for the side chicks. But, like, haha, side chicks.

Hehe I think it’s the gleeful Pinot Noir riffs and the wine drinking and what’s inside the track pants that keeps mine coming back. It’s fucking adorable. And affectionate horny happy drunk wife sex is tits. ;)

I respect that. And I respect that he’s definitely done something dynamic to/with her work, had an influence, that has perhaps helped drive her to greater artistry. Not just the facile thing of giving her song fodder, something more than that. Respect that. I respect that he’d be on board with/produce/distribute her