
I was puking my guts out and freaking out because I woke up with an unauthorised person pressing me down and pushing his penis into my vagina. I and the other 20 year olds around me were too stupid to know about rape kits, that’s only something on tv. The girl who got tested for roofies was as sick as me, but her

I’m sorry that happened to you. It’s like they don’t understand or care. We don’t have the luxury of just brushing it off with that shit, we could end up dead doing that and idiots saying “well, she didn’t do x” or “she was too x, and it caught up with her..”

Yeah it was stupid. And wrong. And upsetting, if I saw him walking across campus I'd have a panic attack and run the other way. I wasn't equipped to do their job and the whole thing destroyed my illusions that the police are there to help/sort things out/stop bad guys. This guy is still drugging girls.

Thanks. It's all ok now and in a way I'm sorta...glad? have had these sadly common female experiences. I blamed myself for a long time.

Yep. I was both stalked and date raped in college by separate individuals. Both times I went to the cops. The first time it was “*shrug* he never touched you” and the second was “unless you can trick him into into a confession and get it on tape you have nothing and you were drinking” (a friend who drugged and date

I mean, since when is it unique to use NYC as a setting? Is it even a city anymore or merely a collection of air bnbs cheek by jowl with empty luxury apartments for the super rich, all overlooking the worlds largest outdoor movie/tv set? You seem nice but that was a silly thing to say.

This is me. I started getting regular manicures a few years back from an unjudgey manicurist and eventually learned to do it myself. My hands aren't always 100% perfect but channeling the picking into active maintenance has made a huge difference like nothing else I tried.

Lol!! Love this article. I’m an autistic woman and have been fighting my skin picking tendencies for literally as long as I can remember. Mostly it’s focused on my cuticles, with the result that for yeeeeeeears my hands looked like a bird pecked them no matter what I did. It’s called a “stim,” and is a soothing

Or, following that line of thought, maybe he made her linens so dirty she had to pay extra for all the work. Men like making messes of our clothes with their secretions, it’s a turn on for many, so wouldn’t surprise me if it were a things to brag about it a bit.

Ok, I’m making this up but come along... So, after arousal or even sex, your delicates would be dirty in a particular and noticeable way. If you were unmarried, it might be noted by anyone doing the washing. Especially by old ladies. (OMG grandma, don’t do my laundry when I’m in town if thongs offend you!) so maybe

If I don't exercise, I don't sleep. Especially in the summer, the extra light just supercharges my brain and I lie there awake with my brain overclocking. I wish I'd made that connection sooner in life!

I used to but now I'm super rural, no gym. I do walk/run 15 miles a week, daily yoga, and swim 3-4 times a week when it's warm.

Last year, a goal was to write a novel. I did that. This year, it’s to get said novel published (or at least, try very hard), and write a sequel.

I think it’s a brilliant protest whether she intended it or not. This is what we do, white people who believe black lives matter. “BOOM BOOM shoot me” is our “hands up don’t shoot.” Let's arm ourselves with BB guns and get this thing going!

I can’t help but think it *is* a protest... I didn’t see anything to indicate it is not... Kinda brilliant. What if all we disaffected White people turned up at our local precincts and followed her lead in droves? Fucking interesting. It’s our “hands up, don’t shoot!”? (Instead it’s “boom boom shoot me, what are you,

My graduating class was just shy of a thousand, and honestly I think it was a good thing... There were so many kids, I don’t think groups like “jocks” and “nerds” etc really existed and there wasn’t this huge angst and animosity so many people report as part of highschool. Most people I knew had 2+ extracurriculars,

I got mine five (six?) years ago when Australia was giving them for free to all women under... I wanna say 30... The American hysteria about the damn thing is so stupid.

For whatever reason, “scratchies” is a part of Xmas traditions in Australia for a lot lot lot of people. Buy a stack and scratch em off on Xmas morning. Since he’s aussie, I think that’s what that is. (Otherwise yah super tacky...)

My MIL is an atheist and supposed feminist, and she told her daughter the same stupid thing when she was being beaten/raped by her husband. The sister told my husband and he was like “get out right now, divorce his ass, if you want to press charges we support you.” Was so proud of him. The sister is divorced now and

Yeah my mom pulls that shit too, and fully denies she does it. I don’t kowtow. IN highschool, she iced me out for three months bc I snuck out one night and was picked up by the cops “decorating” a park gazebo with spray paint (it was pretty, not vandalism).. She pulled it again about a year ago and tbh as much as I