Moxie Remon

Here is a pretty sweet story of Aretha Franklin fans arranging a “tunnel” of pink Cadillacs for her funeral:

Agreed. And I really have to side-eye anyone that needs the approval of another when it comes to the choices made in picking a partner. Let alone needs that approval from Ryan freaking Murphy who starts out all of his shows somewhat focused and then just lets it all go to hell. I also red flag people who joke about

Oh, I dunno. It’s not just that they’ve “been dating” since 2014, it’s that 2014 was the year he started having an affair with her and left his by-all-accounts-pretty-awesome wife of 36 years. So, nice that everyone’s happy and moving on, I guess, but it was kind of ugly there for a minute.

When it comes to anything Lea Michelle related, I am Jessica Lange.  

Unless its a good hard boot to the ass, I don’t give any shits if Johnny Depp ever wins anything. 

Pinches gringos de hecho, sí.

pinches gringos.

Why people write Selma???

This essay should be FAR more widely read:

This. It’s a career. I worked in a place that had a guy who thought it was great to act like a cross between Louis CK and Steve Carrell from The Office. He had a habit of throwing out casually racist things, farting everywhere, doing things sexually to others, pranks, etc and played it all with this "I'm just a

Unless I’m misreading Kesha didn’t tell anyone Dr. Luke raped Perry. Another party brought it up in the presence of Gaga and Kesha. 

I’ll be honest—the women that these men victimized are serving a life sentence of having all the same feelings of shock and disgust come right back up again whenever they see these assholes, so why shouldn’t they have to serve a life sentence of keeping the fuck out of the spotlight? There are some things you do that

Isn’t that what Aziz Ansari did immediately following the article that tanked him - it was said he reached back out to the woman and apologized personally and profusely - and yet... he’s still not forgiven?

I feel like these guys are hoping for forgiveness (or maybe just... forget-ness?), but they’re skipping the steps where you really work to acknowledge, not minimize, the harm you did, AND you take steps to make things right. Forgiveness shouldn’t automatically happen because time passes, and victims don’t owe it to

I would also like to point out that Louis getting back into the business throws an admitted predator into the work place for these comedians. Women will continue to feel unsafe in a business that basically says that a famous man is more important than a safe work environment.

Until a person who has committed an offense has actually acknowledged what they’ve done, apologized, and made every effort to make amends, I refuse to accept them as a fellow human. I don’t care if it’s cutting me off in traffic or murder.

1) My first, instinctive reaction to this headline, “Oh, will you PLEASE FUCK OFF!!!”

I’m shocked that there’s always a plastic surgeon greedy enough to go along in this kind of self-harm by proxy. Human Ken doll, really - he should have seen a good shrink instead. Several good shrinks, actually, judging by his behavior.

He gave us Sarah Palin, which helped birth the Tea Party, which helped get us into the current travesty that is our national politics. I hope he had the fortune to die peacefully, but I’m not shedding any tears.

I always feel like crying when I see a picture of a plastic surgery addict.