
Low to middling? That’d be an amazing secret play/double cross by Varys/Daario, but I feel like we’ve seen the last of our supposed-to-be-blue-haired sex toy, sadly.

Guys, Daario leads the Second Sons mercenary company NOT the Golden Company.

*Everyone ducks*

This!! Bc now everyone will be at Winterfell!

I’ve had to remind people of this. In the books the Night King is nothing but a fairy story. Wights are some above the wall weirdness but the only hint that there’s something up is the Free Folk organizing into one band.

I thought she purposely lost that baby w/Robert? I thought I had read that in the books

Additionally, Aerys will still have killed Jon’s grandfather and uncle.. just his maternal relatives not his paternal! Since you know AERYS is his paternal grandfather!

My vote is either he has some sort of knowledge about Jon’s parentage, or he’s worried their feelings with further fuck things up, or he’s wishing Jon hadn’t bent the knee so they could be married as equals (KitN and QotSK) and make her more acceptable to Westeros and less of a foreign invader

Re: Bran, he’d already seen Lyanna die in childbirth so he hadn’t gone back and looked at it? I cut him some slack as he’s absorbing the all the history and present of the world at once.

The Tyrion-Sansa thing is a good point. Also,they’re about to see each other again, and potentially at ANOTHER ROYAL WEDDING. Can’t catch a break those two.

Tyrion is secretly a traitor? No. Maybe? Tyrion is worried that emotions will fuck everything up? Maybe. Tyrion wanted them to get married as King in the North and Queen, which would make them more equal and Dany more palatable to westeros/less of a foreign invader? All signs point to yes. Tyrion has an inkling of

Holy crap I had even GUESSED Jon’s name would be Aegon and had completely forgotten that Rhaegar ALREADY HAD A BABY SON NAMED AEGON. argh.

Seconded. In the books through various sources it’s implied the Night King (or the first Night King) was the Lord Commander who was completely blotted out of all records. I think it’s in Nan’s stories that add the layer of that the one who fell in love with his “corpse bride” was an ancient Stark.

Agreed. And also, suspects Jon is a Targ and/or wanted them to marry as equals, him as King in the North and her as Queen, it makes her less of a foreign invader.

Also he wanted them to get married as King in the North and Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. More palatable for the northerners that way.

Also, Golden Company was founded by a bastard Targaryen who carried a hand-and-a-half sword (the ancestral sword of the Targaryens actually). If Cersei had read her history she could see that they prrrrobbbably are gonna be more down to help the legitimate Targ heir since there are no pretenders/Targ bastards left to

in the after the show bit with the creators, they basically say this! “We didn’t know how they could break through, so we gave them a magical undead dragon”

I think the scene was supposed to feel icky? But also, this sets up a MUCH bigger problem for Dany than if he was just an acknowledged Targaryen bastard. She’s no longer the true heir to the throne! She’d lose all her titles even if she marries him, unless he specifically grants her the “ruler of the seven kingdoms,

Exactly. She even nodded at the Mountain?! How did he just ride off? I mean, I’m not TOO upset about it, but the set up with the mirroring of the convo with Tyrion = expectung Jaime to die!

I really wanted Sansa to go “You know what, I was raped in this room, and I’ve taken it back to show how it can’t hurt me anymore” or something. I get that “Sansa doesn’t have to explain herself, b/c she’s the Regent in the North” but still it would have been in character for her to say something like that.