
I was glad they made it reasonable for him to be like “seriously STOP” since it’s in the daily notes of a guy who counted all the steps in the Citadel and wrote down his shits. It wasn’t like she was trying to say it was important, because to her, it’s just a random historical event between some fancy people.


The first season (in my book-preference opinion) is arguably the worst. The farther the show gets from the written bits, the better it gets (I think) because they’re not constrained by having to have certain characters say certain things and build in the same way. They can build to the end game and just hit certain

Exactly this. There’s a reason Meera popped back up today to say that she was going home. She’ll meet Howland halfway back when he’s like “turn back around darlin’ had a greendream, gotta go talk to Aemon Targary... I mean Jon Snow.”

I think that’s why they had Meera show back up today, to remind us all that her dad knows.

“It rained blood the morning of your birth”

Whoops misread. Yes, Bran would be his cousin.

Absolutely agreed. I’m using it as “these are more guidelines than the rules”. For example, Harry the Heir doesn’t exist in the show, so it’s far more likely a lot of Sansa’s political acumen that’s happening in the show will actually happen at the Vale, something truly intense would have to happen to bring her back

I think also Jaime’s got to play to his strengths. He’s a fricken knight, he knows how to joust/impale things with a lance, so he uses the spear as an impromptu lance and just blasts down a straightaway at her.

Warhorses going full tilt can weigh about 1800 lbs without armor or the dude in full armor on top of them,

He’s a knight, they don’t train in the javelin sadly (not sadly?) he’s 100% accurate and deadly with a lance while jousting from the tournament competitions he’s been in and just the basic training for being a knight, he went with what he knew, which was hold that spear like a lance and charge full tilt for the

He’s called by name in the Tower of Joy scene. I wouldn’t be surprised if Meera’s concern over being totally sucked into the 3ER thing she goes and gets her greenseer dad. I do think we need a live person to back up Bran’s visions, or at least I’m hoping so.

Yeah, that was my thought, but does he know how to swim well enough to go down and drag a big dude wearing GOLD armor out of a lake? He’s a Flea Bottom King’s Landing brat I thought

1) Thank you yes, I’m just sad that he’ll lose all that lovely shiny gold and red armor.

I about died at the “oh they didn’t teach you that at Fancy Lad School eh?” I do kind of wish they had made him more of the ahole that he is in the books, but probably not enough time.

I LOVED the progression of Sansa going “oh hah hah, yes your list of people you’re going to kill” to “oh shit dawg, she MEANS it,

Let’s not forget the whole “oh yes MANY THINGS *wink wink nudge nudge* happened with Grey Worm... oh shit Hi Jon.”

Oh also, if we don’t have a dramatic scene of Jaime pulling himself out of the water with no armor on, with one hand I’m going to be pissed.

Also, if anyone notices, or follows along, I WAS RIGHT. I didn’t see the “ancient cave with a plot device, I mean drawing of the Night’s King” thing being the reason Dany finally believes him, but called the: “Dany has no allies left, gotta rely on Jon Snow, oh shit he’s kind of hot, now we have to go to Winterfell.”

So. so. good.

Well... he is a smuggler...

I IMMEDIATELY went “oh shit, they’re at the bottom of the bowl... CUSTER’S LAST STAND” and then the riders came over the hill.