
yes yes yes

UGH. I've been training myself in advance to say "Are you going to pay for it? Then sure!" So frustrating.

the greatest gif of all

Dude. I would love it if she and Hils could run together. The Blonde Non-Ambiguously, We're For the Gays Duo"

(i'm in agreement, but I can't get my s.o. to agree, so I'm just buying him chukka boots to distract him)

I'm an east coaster and I don't even get it. get some bean boots if you want the same aesthetic but not the frostbite.

Well, simply because most boat shoes that I'm familiar with are just the leather or a cotton/canvas twill, there's no lining to keep your feet dry when they DO get wet, (which is fine in the summer, but not so much for barhopping in the snow in winter) your feet freeze. Also traction sucks when they're older and you

Oh completely agreed. my statement was more about how these two woman already have established brands, and Kendall in particular has been in the news about how people give her shit for being "commercial" when she really wants to be a high fashion model. If you were a random girl from Brazil wanting to become Gisele,

Literally all straight men I know who are under 30 dress like this unless they are I-bankers or lobbyists.

Personally, its because they've realized they shouldn't wear sneakers every damn where, and wearing boat shoes in the winter is ridiculous. Also, plaid shirts tend to be softer than oxfords, and they usually

I just think if the dates had been the same and they had all been asked to do Chanel that same day they probably would have done Chanel. That's my point really.

So this is the bike you want in a zombie apocalypse then... not even fast zombies can run 35 mph.

Um. If anyone wants to be taken seriously as a real model (as Kendall does, and Cara already is) this is probably the most obvious choice of all time.

51 isn't "actually old"! But yes agreed.

I think that's because he's literally wearing an old man jacket.

Duke's forever!

The DC Children's Museum is AMAZING. And I've heard the Boston one is crazy awesome. So cool that they have that option. I think if i didn't know about it in advance I'd be like "huh wut?" but definitely agree.

I absolutely think that the labeling is the correct answer. Not only can they keep your name on file/ ban people that are sex offenders relating to children, BUT if you think wearing said badge is embarrassing, you shouldn't be going into the park/museum in the first place.

As an equestrian, she obviously knows her way around an english saddle. That's some serious weight in her heels, nice equitation Tay Tay!

Is it weird that your non answer sort of cemented what I had been tossing around doing when I do eventually get engaged? I've always been...less than motivated and decided that part of my "wedding budget" would go towards hiring a trainer/work out classes. I eat pretty well, and have sort of stabilized at a weight

you are not alone.