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Laurie Anderson - Mister Heartbreak [1984]

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These Southern boys have really been growing on me and I’d love to check out one of their shows!

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The Smiths - William, It Was Really Nothing (TOTP - starts at :48)

I saw Body Count when this album came out, one of the scarier concerts I have ever seen.  Old warehouse, crazy mosh pit, & Ice-T came out yelling “Fuck the Police” with two cops on either side of the stage trying to figure out if they were getting out of the warehouse alive w/out shooting anyone.  Good times!

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Bryan Adams pays tribute to Eddie Money.

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Tomorrow our time, today in Germany is the start of the Munich Octoberfest. Here is my favorite German Polka Metal band, Polkaholix - Tritsch-Tratsch Polka

love this!

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One of NOLA’s funkiest, Can’t go wrong w/ a couple of Nevilles. Dumpstaphunk –I Wish You Would