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Blackberry Smoke covers a great old Skynyrd tune.

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with a big grin on my face proceed to post:

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I see this song in a completely different way after I learned the story behind the circumstances that led to it being written:

Looks like he's got a bit of a limp wrist now. Luckily he has friends that can help him with that... a cure, I believe. 

slap hands! Slap hands!

I can’t believe they are still touring!  I’ve been listening to them since the first album but lost track some time ago, just figured they were broken up or dead!

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and don’t drink and drive! Murphy’s Law - Drinking & Driving

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There is a new film about the life of Michael Hutchence that is being released next month.

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Rocket from the Crypt - I’m Not Invisible

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Every Friday night I used to look forward to Shake the Shack, an amazing rockabilly radio show on KEXP for 30 years featuring Leon Berman (the self-proclaimed Proctologist of Rock & Roll). Sadly it went off the air about a year ago. Leon & his cousin Mike introduced me to so many great bands,