There has to be some path to redemption or people will never have a reason to change. I think if the victim forgives in this case, I forgive.
There has to be some path to redemption or people will never have a reason to change. I think if the victim forgives in this case, I forgive.
I was deliberately being facetious but thanks for taking it totally seriously and taking the time to respond.
Bombing of Kiss Army strongholds imminent.
I wish he would just change his name to Rain already. My dsylexia geos into hpyerdrive whenever his name pops up.
This controversial moment needs its own name.
O.K. Connery is great, sometimes I prefer their earlier stuff like The Bonds. However, A Sean Shaped Pool is one of my favorites
Now the Zodiac Killer has no choice but to reveal himself in order to distance himself from Ted Cruz.
There does seems to be very few groups quite as repellent and pathetic as right-wing nerds.
How appropriate, you fight like a cow.
You are entitled to your wrong opinion. Mr. Meseeks is awesome.
I can’t wait for the free speech rally at Berkeley as Bannon, Coulter, and whatshisface loudly denounce the White House for this! It’s going to be like an old time revival at Berkeley as they rise up in one voice to defend the freedom of a woman of colour to speak without losing her job! Imagine as all of…
My theory? It’s the Morty from the picture on Birdpersons wall, the Morty Rick saw in his happy memories of Morty that he couldn’t possibly have if he abandoned his family, Evil Morty is the Morty our Rick raised from infancy
sigh. fine. I’ll do it.
He should spend all that Amazon money buying AV Club so we can go back to being a website and not whatever the hell this is.
The greater left and center allowed capitalism become the de facto operating policy of the US. Not just simple capitalism, but an unfettered and rigged capitalism with monopolies protected by the police state and courts.
Sadly, I can’t tell which example you’re putting up as good or bad.
Remember when Obama let the Germans bomb Pearl Harbor?
The original version of Toad’s Turnpike was a personal favorite. Weaving around giant, oblivious traffic always seemed to keep the race competitive, especially at 150ccs. You had to be a lot more judicious with your red shells too, as they couldn’t travel too far forward without plinking harmlessly off a semi. And of…