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    I mean if you want to min max properly then you’ve gotta follow the tried and true right? A gnome barbarian would be terrible in terms of stats.

    I’ve never understood how anyone can still watch a Roman Polanski movie. And yeah if he’s still a member after he demonstrated his guilt by going into self imposed exile then this move to not Weinstein is fucking meaningless.

    But don’t you get to fight some sort of Sephiroth type character in a secret area in RPG? That’s worth the price of admission alone!

    This GKMoggleMog guy makes the GamerGate people look good. What a choad. Kink is all about consent and if someone doesn’t give consent then your right to indulge in your kink no longer exists.

    Fans actually ARE the product for a TV show - the TV show delivers fans to the network which enables the network to make money through subscriptions and advertising. The fans don’t own shit!

    I think it’s because they were too personally ineffectual to get involved in things like sport etc that might’ve made them popular in school, but too stupid to be pulled to the left like most people with a decent education.

    And it’s a female character doing it (and didn’t one of the female writers get bigger credits on that ep?). Of course the tiny dick neckbeard brigade are gonna be up in arms about it...

    The removal of the jump shortcut in the later version of the N64 Rainbow Road was what irritated me - shortcuts aren’t game breaking, they reward obsessive players of the game. (Not that the Rainbow Road shortcut was hard to find - the Wario track’s one was much harder to master)

    Depends: would the fight scenes in the Witcher show be as boring as the fight scenes in the game?

    But... if a woman folds her arms under her breasts it’d make them look bigger. Can’t you imagine it? Nynaveave with bigger looking breasts. That’s compelling imagery.

    But keep the gratuitous paddling of women! And the braid pulling!

    Also they made gladiator: Spartacus. Also on Starz.

    Better than the new people who have come along since the changeover...

    Cool. Be blind to your hypocrisy and keep fueling the divide. Have fun with that.

    Clinton wasn’t talking to their economic issues in a way that they believed. They’ve heard those ‘economically rational’ plans before and they’ve all done nothing to change the fact that economic prosperity is going backwards. The system, which Clinton represented, has actually failed those people. Thus they wanted

    I may have misspoke if my comment led you to think that I don’t view Trump as objectively the worst President that there has been and far worse than Clinton would’ve been.

    Which is the nuanced (and accurate) interpretation of her inept comments. The problem is that nuance isn’t something that can be expected from most voters and most media outlets.

    The fact that you call people in those states “economically anxious” implies that you really don’t give a crap about anyone outside your worldview. Poverty and suffering are poverty and suffering. It’s all relative to the individual’s experience - otherwise you should be discounting the hardships of urban minorities

    Friend you seem to have read a whole lot into my comment that wasn’t there. And it says far more about you than my comment does about me.

    But you’re angry at them for not caring about your concerns - about race and liberal values.