I'm moving to Canada no matter who wins

If you’re truly no being snarky, a couple guesses:
Cult of personality. Brand loyalty (to the Clinton name). Like political insiders.

I agree that it’s not black and white ideological or other. But I also don’t think you’re responding to the original comment fairly, because the original wasn’t painting a black or white

Is this comment satire?

Why do you think American citizens should be chastised for voting the way that they think is best?

I, too, love how all the Bernie Bros who are going to withhold votes are described as “people on my facebook feed”.

Do you like politics as usual?

I’ve seen a number of those candidate comparison things.

1:1 correlation between Rand and Sanders voters, you say.

I love this.

Why? They love 50% of the description you gave of him.


I’ve never understood this mentality. If you believe in the principles of democracy...why do you think other people should cater to your desires vis a vis THEIR vote?

You will never get a Hillary supporter to admit that they think DESTINY won’t happen.

If you know what you are about to say doesn’t apply in a meaningful way to Sanders supporters generally, why make the comment?