
It’s the “Terrell Main Library” in the Mudd Center now, Gita.

And to all the children who needed to hear this...

Jesus christ he really does look like he’s just waiting for the fucking house to be dropped on him so Obama can claim the ruby slippers.

Again, I mention the literary symmetry for just that: its literary nature. I don’t think GRRM has a table set out of dominant and recessive traits for all his characters somewhere, but rather that it’s another bone to throw at us: Stark male children take after their mothers, and Jon looks like a Stark, therefore...

Another aspect of the theory I don’t usually see disseminated, but is my personal favorite (maybe because I connected these dots personally before seeing them elsewhere): an admittedly literary symmetry in biology.

This has truly limited potential for helping anyone else out, but why not. If you wear contact lenses...try taking them out for the allergy season. Then, maybe keep them out forever.