Amorphous Moving Blob of Darkness

Also stars, and wars, and spaceships, and droids, and Han Solo, and planets, and any reference to Darth Vader.

I understand it but it’s very overblown. As you rightly point out, the plot is far from the “exact plot” and it’s not as if the original was a strikingly original story in content.

Fucking lame dude. FUCKING LAME. Really? His Force Ghost? FUCKING LAME

Not implied at all. The cost of the hardware is significant though: both broadcasting and, most importantly to my point receiving.

The thing about radio in general is that it’s the last great free mass media. You need a receiver but those can be bought for pennies in parts of the world. Transmitting is relatively cheap.

AM has better range but significantly lower sound quality. That trade off might be worth it for people in those remote areas I suppose.

AM Stereo was a thing they tried in the 80s in Canada. Didn’t really get far. Seems like the normal problem of having too many standards caused part of the problem:

That has nothing to do with the tech used nor is it going to change with teh switch to Digital Audio Broadcasting.

NOPE. Don’t care. Another dip into the reboot pile for a thing that was DONE. We, as fans, need to stop rewarding this kind of laziness.

Four words: Kate Beckinsdale in Leather.

What the hell are you think thinking? How much do you know about the supply side economics of the direct drive turntable market?

It’s not that I’m rude I just don’t suffer fools lightly. I’m willing to cut you some slack because of the obvious disabilities you have, but only a little.

I don’t know that I entirely agree: firstly, there are some cars where certain trim levels are only available in manual:

Ok sure. I didn’t say that Marvel’s “characters automatically [lend] themselves to financially successful movies” so I’m just going to start by assuming that you’re both illiterate and cognitively challenged.

Now playing

As a follow up: I think you grossly overestimate the number of people who know enough about Norse mythology to know who Thor is as well as the number of people who know a goddam thing about him as a Marvel character.

Older filmmakers didn’t think about sequels—the entire concept was very rare before the blockbuster era that was kicked off by Jaws (according to most conventional thinking.)

I do, but one is extrapolation from what’s already happening the other is a work of pure fiction. At this point at least.

You need to get laid. That’s how I pass the time between movie releases.

Again, not what I said but you keep going man! I think you grossly overestimate Black Sabbath’s appeal as well (it wasn’t an Ozzy song—there are four songwriters listed.)