
I heard she can play any ethnicity.

Yeah, it's insane that people think Raf is manipulative when that's been Michael's whole thing since he found out that Petra was cheating on Raf in episode two.

That teaser turned me off immediately, and yet this new trailer has me super excited.

Yeah. Not Jeff Bridges does a stellar job. Great hook. Just a good movie all around. I love an effective use of one location.


"… will you Yorkshire terrier me for a minute," sounds dirty.

LOVE this movie. Can't wait for future generations to write think pieces about how underrated it was.

Well that's disappointing. I LOVE these books and the tone looked just right. It also reminded me of Over The Garden Wall. Now I need to revisit both of those…

Hot damn this show is hilarious. It sucks that lots of other critics are railing against it pretty much just because it's a multi-cam.

I love your reviews, but I almost always close this tab out of frustration with the loud video ads that pull the page down so that you can see them. It's obnoxious and makes me want to never come back to this site, despite the wonderful content.

This is hypnotic… at around 9:30 two R2's walk directly through each other. Merging for a second and then fading away. I may watch all of this.