Adult Here

My thought upon seeing that castle was that it looks like somewhere you might find Doom.

This episode was sooooo good. Richard E. Grant fucking KILLED it!

it’s described as “a more mature take on the universe created by George Lucas.”

even at 55 track tires would make a significant difference to performance in autox. 

What they’re doing is probably more convoluted than this but here’s a scenario where you’re trying to salt the ssid for encryption, and you don’t account for the ssid possibly containing format specifiers ... this can go boom depending on what’s in memory beyond the bounds of the snprintf variadic args ...

I mean, I could see back in the day where things were slow and input sanitizing was more expensive that you might take shortcuts in instances where you thought you could get away with it, but there are SOOOOO many libraries and RegEx expressions that take negligible amounts of time.  It’s junior level programmer

Why would any type of input field be processed as anything other than a text string? Especially if the allowable characters include special characters.

I mean, I get it completely. And it doesn’t alleviate things much, but Luke isn’t from the US. So it’s not like he’s one of us being cavalier about the chaos we wrought over there. He’s like an outside observer. Though, if I’m not mistaken, Australia definitely isn’t innocent in all this.

Anyway, I can go either way.

This entire post is in incredibly poor taste. Then again we completely dismantled another country for 20 years and are now abandoning them in a way that will undoubtedly lead to a civil war, so *shrug*

Poor Mobius stuck in a different limbo

Hopefully next week’s episode opens with us learning who rescued Mobius when he came to:

I have to assume Miss Minutes is the AI/entity/whatever running the TVA.

Counterpoint, this was an incredible fucking episode and you are wrong.

You son of a.......take your star and get out.  

Take your damned star

What you’re telling me is that these terrorists should have put some stakes on a plane.

As a PoC, I have to ask you — WTF are you even talking about???

They should keep this up. Slowly alter the scene each month, adding subtle details, an extra second to each shot, and so on, to the point that the ending is completely different to indicate that Wanda is rewriting reality, even at a metatextual level. The final shot is the theatrical poster of Multiverse of Madness.

LMAO. Wtf is this take? Honey the grass part you mentioned? The call is coming from inside the house sweetheart.

Look, she may be white and may have messed with the lives of some who happened to be poc, but she didn’t do it BECAUSE they were poc and messed with the lives of plenty of people who weren’t. Let’s stop acting like every little thing is a call to arms, shall we? It makes people less likely to support instances when