Adult Here

There is no one that knows how to Star Wars than Dave Filoni. He is the true heir to George Lucas’s vision, most definitely not Kathleen Kennedy. Kennedy has made a mess of the Star Wars universe, just look to the upcoming High Republic storyline, what do Jedi fear? Why space pirates and evil plant creatures of

I’m concerned about the live-action look to be a bit uncanny valley, like Tarkin in Rogue One. But, at least Tarkin is just a mostly regular looking old guy (except for the cheekbones), while Ashoka is an alien who has bulbous, fleshy antennae(?) hanging off her head. I’m afraid that mixing aliens and uncanny valley

Bo-Katan was perfectly realized in live-action. The actors being the same person helps, obviously. But I have faith in this show. Am I nervous? Yes. Am I excited? Double-yes. 

This episode had me clapping and cheering alone in my room! The SECOND Bo-Katan’s helmet flashed on screen through the gate I fully lost it and screamed her name. When they were having drinks and Bo said something along the lines of “I know someone who can help with that,” I HOLLERED knowing she was referring to

I’m getting tired of people complaining about the episode of the week stuff.

I’ll even say, he just looks like him usually, lately:

You see Pratt, I see Captain Hammer

my first thought was Pratt, but then I looked harder and thought Pascal. I legit needed the caption for clarification.

Deeply disturbed by how much Pascal in that header looks like Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Anybody else finding the side character cameos to be a bit much by this point?

I would argue that even collectible cars are still terrible investments, once you compare the cost of ownership, taxes, and maintenance over the years. You buy a collectible because you have FU money and you enjoy them. Real estate, stocks, and maybe even art, are still better investments.

Just get a Noctua.

He was impeached. There were not, however, votes enough to have him removed from office.

He was impeached, and that’s all that matters. Trump stacked the courts and the Senate so of course he wouldn’t get convicted even if he literally shot someone on the street with video evidence and photos.

Quick, go back and look up “impeachment” and come back to let us know if you want to stand by your original comment.  We’ll wait.

Cry harder.

Yeah I totally missed this mostly due to the new layout on Jalopnik. That homepage format is making A LOT of articles get missed by me...


I know I can’t swallow $1000 car payments for 6 years but I can afford to lose maybe 5 grand

Same here, sad I missed it!