Adult Here


how does it compare to the first manga/anime movie?

i thought the same thing.

i want to eat one.

i want that volvo

thanks for checking. I’m going to have to go back and look at my copy. (not a bootleg :O)

i was always curious why Bigfoot wasn’t part of Monster Jam. oh well. 

lol holy shit imagine if he made this work like the mad max supercharger by turning on the A/C

You are born into a family.

i see it in battle, but it’s no longer on Yavin for me.  :-/ I distinctly remember seeing it there when I saw Rogue One in the theaters.

at 100k dunno, but the Continental was rated better than the Maybach I think.

i looked into the black label when shopping and it didn’t strike me as remarkable other than the vehicle options :-/

Hey... if anyone else owns Rogue One,

500 Mile Range with bikes/snowboards on the roof, fully loaded with camping gear.

so... VW Phaeton?

David Tracy

that’s a lot of harry potter books

it’s like the 90's all over again

anyone else feels like this is cheesy?

i wonder how this will affect those of us using tmobile’s free plan