Adult Here

turbo manual hatchback. give it to me NOW.

we are now at that stage where we can feel old by watching child actors mature.

Epic may try to claim that the dances are not distinctive enough to be worthy of copyright protection.

my 8 and 6 year olds just pulled a ‘psych!” on me.

i have anxiety reading this.

5th Gear:

the current DS’s have sd cards and so does the switch so i don’t see them NOT including a slot.

when you try to run a car company like a startup software dev house.

too many serrated edges.

too many serrated edges.

slaves. lots of slaves.

i’m not crying you’re crying


i think that screenshot encapsulates everything i feel when David Tracy makes a jeep post.

but my pokemon

only thing i wish is that there were more better opportunities to get powerful gear that you didn’t just get. example: i kept getting powerful gauntlets.

1st gear: depends if they hit their mark on voluntary buyouts. just life in dearborn i guess.

The twitch and youtube streamers playing getting over it was hilarious to me

i miss the caterpie mothra

i honestly thought it was a Ford or an 80's Dodge truck at first glance.