All those fake DC trailers and you don’t include the best one...Grayson?
All those fake DC trailers and you don’t include the best one...Grayson?
A local bar owned by a friend of mine has the Adult Happy Meal.
Shot of Old Grand Dad and a Molson can.
If you can find it, the Green Mountain Gringo Roasted Pepper or the Roasted Garlic varieties are MUCH better than their standard ones. But I’m not sure what the distribution of those is outside of the east coast (and despite the name, it is no longer made in VT, it was sold to a larger food company, Garner, years…
What I’ve done when getting a new PC is to use MS’s “Media Creation Tool” to get a clean version of Windows 10:
1. Sand
Please don’t do this. The issue it’s just that there’s salmonella bacteria that might get in your system, but that salmonella is living in the jar of peanut butter and making all sorts of nasty toxins that do NOT get destroyed when cooked.
You mention Gelato doesn’t contain egg yolks like ice cream, but not all ice cream has egg yolks.
You also forgot “Frozen Dairy Dessert,” the abomination of cheap dairy companies that’s basically this:
I think the British version is called Freeman/Freeman on the Land.
I agree with a password manager. I have a unique password for every website or system I log into, and while I can remember the most common ones, ones I only log into every month or so (like my credit card accounts to pay the bills,( I have to go look them up.
I use KeePass with a VERY long, complicated password. I’ve…
If nothing else, our lack of billboards gives us the edge.
Though TBF, you’re not likely to see too many billboards on remote NH roads, but it’s always a possibility.
Pretty much anything said by a boomer (i.e. my dad) in regards to jobs.
“Why don’t you just call up some places and see who’s hiring?”
But, as said here, they’ve already done this with Salt and Vinegar chips. Does it taste exactly like vinegar? No, but good enough, so just add some dill flavor to the existing S&V chips and it would make a perfect pickle chip.
My only possible thought is some actor was adamant in refusing to eat Cheetos, but the director and/or screenwriter were steadfast that the scene NEEDED Cheetos, so a compromise was made.
It’s not just FROM, Sony/Playstation themselves have shit network drivers and always have going back to PS3.
I have a PS5, I have good wifi (Nighthawk router, positioned ~10 feet from the PS5, I’d run a cable if I could, but there’s a wall in the way and I haven’t worked up the wherewithal to run real ethernet through…
There is already a way to get the merchant at roundtable to sell smithing stones 1-4, maybe higher? You just have to do the right cave and get the Bell Bearing to give to them to increase the items they sell.
I’ve found the Souls controls MUCH better than other ones. But also, if you map them to the face buttons, doesn’t that use ALL the face buttons? Souls games use R1, R2, L1, and L2. R1 and R2 (or, on XBox, RB and RT) are light and heavy attacks with right weapon, and L1 is either light attack with left weapon OR guard…
I appreciate that in the picture, under the notable scores it includes Costanza’s 860k. Which I guess we now know wouldn’t technically have been possible, since with only 5 digits it couldn’t display over 99,999
You must have very low water pressure and/or a SUPER low flow faucet. Over a minute to fill 2 liters is definitely not normal (at least for the US, I can’t speak to other countries.)
A few things to check. What detergent are you using? By and large, any sort of dishwasher “packs” or “tabs” are worse at cleaning. Liquid/gels are worse than powder.