
I don’t think it’s as easy as a lot of people make it out to be. I’m a technical guy, I do IT support, but I had a bitch of a time and eventually gave up. I got RetroPi up and running fine, got some NES and SNES ROMS loaded on there (neither process being one I’d recommend to someone with no experience with technical

Ironically, it’s the Indians. At least for baseball.

Please don’t encourage people to make candy apples, they’re terrible. Caramel apples only, please.

Bah, ignore this comment...damn Kinja screwing with me.

Well, for legs (and some people here admitting they don’t wash their arms either) it’s just the natural course of washing myself.

Internal disease, no, but ask someone who’s had athlete’s foot how comfortable that is. Treatment can take months because of how far that fungus digs in to your toenails.

No, but I enjoy not getting fungal infections. Ask a podiatrist, and they’ll tell you to actively wash you feet, standing in soapy water isn’t good enough.

No, but both can get you sick. Athlete’s foot, toenail fungal diseases, etc... are a very real thing and people get them from not washing their feet and just assuming, like several of you are, that standing in soapy water is good enough.

You don’t know my life

Question for you disgusting freaks who aren’t washing your legs and possibly feet, copied from another comment I made:

That’s disgusting. Seriously, wash your feet. They are cesspools of bacteria, and no, “gravity” bringing the soap water down isn’t enough. That’s how things like Athlete’s Foot and other foot and toenail infections spread.

Edge case, but my IT company had a client who had so many levels of sub-directories (things like \\ABC-FileServer\ABC Company Share\Departments\Electrical Engineering\1111-2222-3333 XYZ Company\Fancy Widget Testing Project\2016\January\Fnacy Widget Test Cases\Debug Files\2016-01-05 Debug Results from Test Run 15A.log)

Those large ticket ones HAVE to be drugs, right? Like...from drug dealers who aren’t savvy enough to use something like Tor and/or BItcoin?

The sound is off ever so slightly.

Gary Shandling’s dead?!

Get back to me when they solve the mystery of piss shivers.

Legend of Zelda: Skyrim Sword?

I just want to thank you for being the only person here I’ve seen correctly call it a Creemee.

Now playing

Really? I’m the first person to post this?