1998 Mo Vaughn

I’m never going to get used to that logo/uniform. Or the team name. Everything about this team seems like it belongs in a big-budget movie about professional hockey that wasn’t able to get an NHL licensing agreement.

Y’know, I felt that way for a few years after the switch, but I realized that the Astros and Rangers franchises seem to genuinely dislike each other, so making them play nineteen times a year is like throwin’ two ornery polecats in a burlap sack an’ shakin’ it ’til they dance... whoo, sorry, I seem to have overdosed

Hey! i grew up in northampton! nothing wrong with it, especially if you like culture, college towns, lesbians, and hippies.

I place at least some of the blame on the Bucs’ new special teams coach:

Not only that, we raised shit ton of soldiers for the Union and had the highest per capita of soldiers in the Union Army. Also, Grant and Sherman are both from Ohio. This is why we have the damn Columbus Blue Jackets.

It goes further than that. Ulysses Motherfucking Grant was born in Ohio.

Requisite comment about how Ohio fought on the side of the Union to defeat Lee. But I guess racial resentment trumps history.

I really think we have the worst fan base. Just thinking about Pats, Celtics, Sox and Bruins fans makes me want to puke. And that’s BEFORE the clothes burning. Of course it’s amplified by the worst accent to ever appear in world history. Seriously, how the FUCK does the Boston accent evolve???

What if Phil Niekro was pitching and the guy yelled “knuckleball coming”?

To be fair to Lester, that wasn’t even the best Nacho highlight of the day

He didn’t bring his wallet but fortunately he had a couple singles.

If I was in the US I’d still have voted her given the choice on display but her problems are similar to the LibDems in the UK in that she has the personality of a teacher you don’t particularly like. The “I told you so/we were always right” mentality and not exactly a great ability to enthuse passion outside of the

It’s not at all like Howard Dean and John Kerry going at it after ‘04 because neither of them were the first female presidential candidate in our history and in that primary and every other primary we’ve had the nominee’s validity wasn’t questioned once it was clear they would be the nominee.

Let’s not forget that single payer was the plan HRC wrote and advocated 20+ years ago and “Obamacare” was the GOP advocated compromise that was developed after GOP said no to single-payer. Now single payer is Bernie’s idea. Circle of life in politics, I guess.

“Barack Obama inspired voters, so did Bernie Sanders. Hillary didn’t play her cards right, or maybe she just didn’t have that strong a hand to play. She didn’t get voters to believe in her, to mobilize for their best interests, and to get on her bandwagon.”

Wow - maybe we’ll see these two teams play each other on Sunday Night Baseball sometimes now!

Disasters faced under Trump like....

Fuuuckkkkkk that. And fuck you for even suggesting it. Why do nazis always get a pass for their violence? When can we look at a monstrous, sociopathic movement and not judge it for what it truly is?

Yeah. Fenway is still pretty muted with between inning stuff, which is kinda amazing, considering how much the current Sox org leverages the team brand into partnerships. Let’s hope it lasts. Though, “Beat the Freeze” was kinda fun.

I’m surprised no one payed homage to He Hate Me.