1998 Mo Vaughn

Remember when the Braves had the best defensive shortstop in all of baseball who was still in his early 20s signed to a long-term, team-friendly deal and they gave him away for half a season of Erick Aybar and the gem that is Sean Newcomb?

Luanne Platter (KotH)

How do you even break a huddle wrong? My only experience with huddles come from Hollywood so I’m guessing it was the lack of a moving inspirational speech

I think it may be more accurate to describe this as certain political bloggers and writers of a certain age still haven’t learned anything about the way the vast majority of significant legislation has gotten passed historically. There’s been plenty of work done on the subject that supports this.

Schumer held together a caucus that ranges from Sanders to Manchin (a guy who literally shot the original ACA in an ad). But of course we need to find the negative in everything because we wouldn’t be Democrats if we weren’t always looking for something to complain about.

I am not at all sure about this hot take. The ACA actually needs some actual fixes, like right now. Those are literally impossible without some Republicans votes. Wouldn’t any process to apply those fixes necessarily be bipartisan in nature? Besides, you have to have some rejoinder to the Hyper Turtle over there

McCain 3:16 says you can’t whip enough votes!

All of the blatant travels are making me sick.

For the anti-Sanders people, quit fighting a war on two fronts. You are still trying to take on Sanders and Trump. The 2016 primary elections are over. The more you rip on Sanders, the less likely his people are going to be on your side moving forward. Sanders people have far more in common politically with the

We have known for some time that Wisconsin is a hotbed of the worst sort of Republican politics.

She did. She talked about jobs more than anything else. It’s just that the media talked about emails and whatever stupid shit Trump was up to that day more.

Michigan, when Debbie Dingell was all but screaming to the DNC that things were going sideways there

Obama was a man born poor that worked his way into one of the best colleges in the nation on his own merit and then sacrificed the money party that usually comes with that to work as a public servant before running for office.

If it’s such bunk, then why is Trump so worried about it?

Red states equal rural and rural areas are given outsized weight for their votes.

At least he still has his gig on “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me.”

I’m sorry, does Fox has a shoe that’s almost $500? No. That’s why.

Where does a mansplainer get his water?

Remember when San Francisco was associated with gold miners instead of hippies?

Scooter is a Good Baseball Name.