1998 Mo Vaughn

Wade was fantastic tonight,

Aw man that hug from the first base coach.

That would still he paying too much for the Marlins.

Honestly, you sound like a clueless dude who’s literal body autonomy and health aren’t on the fucking line. Reproductive rights are hand in hand with economic rights and economic freedom. Women’s right to control their bodies against unwanted pregnancies goes miles in allow us to be economically independent. So for

Uh, yeah—too little, too late. The endorsement comes now that there’s a run off...but if Sanders had deigned to endorse Ossoff to begin with, he could have gotten the extra 2 points he needed to win the seat outright. Now that it’s one Repub vs. one Dem, Ossoff’s chances go down.

It’s called damage control.

Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck Bernie Sanders. Fuck

Nor does he apparently understand it now, since he’s not supporting Jon Ossoff because he somehow doesn’t meet the standards of Bernie’s ever-changing “progressive” litmus test.

But I think you just can’t exclude people who disagree with us on one issue.

“...there will be candidates that are popular candidates who may not agree with me on every issue. I understand it. That’s what politics is about,” Sanders told NPR.

For someone who is not a Democrat, Sanders spends a lot of time dictating how the party should run. He has been harmful not helpful to the party and the DNC needs to stop acting like making overtures to him accomplishes anything. All of this is just about Sanders’ ego.

That’s not being faithful. That’s being insulting to women.

He’s Cotton Hill, with valium and shins.

When you say “clinical finisher”, do you mean that his finishing usually puts him in a clinic? Because that clip ...

It’s even more stunning when you consider that Michael Jordan has been virtually non existent for the Bulls in the series so far.

I don’t think I like these apples at all.

The Pirates’ front office put out a statement: “Avast! We won’t be kowtowing to no suspension! Blast the King of Baseball and damn his corpse to Davy Jones’ Locker!”

“Get a job!” says the guy walking into a baseball game at 1 PM on a Tuesday afternoon.

So the Timberwolves will be the first SB Nation blog with its own NBA team, eh? Cool.