1998 Mo Vaughn

+1 Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah

Nobody that works there now has anything to do with Sandusky or the cover-up (barring the board).


I hope you allow me to say that as a Mexican immigrant with undocumented relatives: there is absolutely no silver linning on her not being in the White House.

With all due respect for my fellow Democrats, She does need to run again in 2020. Why? The environment. She not only had brilliant ideas for the planet, she was the only one with any ideas at all. People really, really need to stop going on charm and instead, actually read the campaign websites. Clinton’s ideas could

Hillary would’ve thrown the first pitch, no problem.

Klinsmann lost, in his first two games of final round of the qualifiers, to the two best teams in North American soccer (called CONCACAF, don’t ask) that aren’t the US. Mexico is generally #1, Costa RIca is #3 (more or less); the loss to Mexico was the first one in a while in the US, while the loss to Costa Rica was a

We have, for the very first time, an honest-to-goodness potentially world-class player who already is probably better than American soccer’s most iconic figure ever was.

An anecdote of why you can’t run government like a business. As told by Jamie Vollmer:

I am here too...this whole situation is just egg on the face of the entire University

To be perfectly Franklin, we need the FACs, to Mullins this over. I don’t give a Whitmore what others say, there is some Wheeler and dealing going on. I don’t mean to Butterfield anyone up, and I don’t Brooks any dissension, but this guy is not exactly on Pleasant Street today. He’s certainly not hanging with DuBois

Having to sit out a year convinced him not to change schools.

sheesh...he didnt even coach them for a minute, man.

Ken Burns knew.

It’s insane that she lost. Like, how? Obviously Bernie’s divisiveness didn’t help, but I mean... Trump. Really? Literally have no idea if I’m living in reality or a nightmare.

Readers please go to Hillary Clinton’s campaign website and read the environmental plans she had. They would have been the most comprehensive, effective ideas both for the planet and on a social level. She includes plans for more humane treatment of animals and to protect endangered species. We need a candidate who

Drew, the only thing that would make this post better is if you had included an unfunny article based on a dumb pun about postal workers.

It does when it leads people to believe that one of the most qualified candidates ever was simply a shitty candidate who made bad decisions instead of understanding that she was a strong candidate whose campaign had to battle Russia, the FBI, the GOP, and still won the popular vote by over 2.5 million votes.

Well, now that she’s not the president and Trump is, we can say clearly that people who worked to help him win the presidency were exceptionally shitty allies. Because of the allyship of theoretically woke progressives, we now have a country where brown people are being held prisoner in airports,Planned Parenthood is