1998 Mo Vaughn

Hi, I’m not in to memeing politicians. I like Hillary fine, and I like Bernie OK, and I don’t think we should deify either of them or make them into “hip grandma/grandpa.” Be critical of their asses, why is this a hard fucking concept?

No, he spent his entire career refusing to be associated with them, ensuring he would have no actual ability to have any influence in the party he could use to shape it.

McCain never had the support Trump did. So to compare Bernie’s treatment of Hillary to Hillary’s 2008 treatment of Obama is really foolish.

Bernie lost. He failed to mount enough support to win the election, so how is he especially equipped for conversations about healthcare—conversations that Hillary Clinton led more than 20 years ago?

No, this election was about the white feels, the man feels, and importantly, their intersection at the white man feels. The supposed white working class problem isn’t remotely the case, as Trump voters were by and large better off, even if more poorly educated. Trump appealed to a white masculinity “under attack,”

Bernie doing what Bernie does best: grabbing the spotlight for himself while offering no practical solutions to our problems.

...but...they voted their conscience! Rather than modestly sweeping their election behavior under the rug, we should let these morally superior Bernie-or-buster’s proudly display their moral superiority still!

How many times between March (when Bernie was no longer a competitive candidate) and November did you say anything positive about Hillary Clinton? Now, how many times over the last year did you say that Clinton wasn’t a real progressive or a real Democrat—that she might as well be a Republican—that in many ways she’s

Bernie Sanders is a prideful shit who believed his own marketing campaign. He’s a vindictive, sore loser who went out of his way to avoid making a positive argument in favor of the candidate who beat him—choosing instead to make an argument against her opponent. When polling data suggested that Clinton was going to

That’s adorable. What I like most about Bernie Sanders supporters is their love of quoting bullshit, magical thinking polling numbers to prop up their confirmation bias. It was cute when you guys were doing it to delegitimize the ass kicking your chosen candidate got in the primaries. It’s even cuter when you do it

You’ll get shit for this but I 100% agree. He does not articulate his platform well (he can hardly talk about anything other than his stump speech) and he stayed in the race far too long and drove down enthusiasm for Clinton. He is not and has never been a Democrat and I am honestly kind of mad at the DNC for letting


What irks me about Bernie is he purposefully spent his entire career spurning the Democrat label despite caucusing and voting with Democrats the overwhelming majority of the time. He purposefully marginalized himself within the Democratic Party by refusing to identify as a Democrat. But then he comes out of nowhere

Ugh, this isn’t Bernie kicking off a campaign for 2020, right? He’s too old?

If you think Bernie would have won the general election you are out of your goddamn mind.

He’s just like his boss: can’t win an election, but can get rich giving revolting speeches afterwards.

Yeah, this is why people need to STFU with their overly simple narratives of the election. You can tell who does and doesn’t pay attention to things outside of the presidency.

You’d think as Trump supporters that Brady and Belichick would respect that.

In Attleboro that’s just called “Thursday.”

I don’t think any reasonable person doubts that those things would be far less likely under Clinton.