1998 Mo Vaughn

Easily the worst thing about college football is that both teams can’t lose.

That was just the excuse. They deemed her unqualified because she was a woman, and because they didn’t “relate to her” and she wasn’t someone you could “grab a beer with”. ‘Merica.

What the fuck are you talking about?

-1 Tommy point

Is there some As/Diamondbacks rivalry that I don’t know about? Because I’m from Philly and you guys took the As from us.

I hear Atlanta has a stadium they’re not using.

Stop it. Sanders would have had his ass handed to him.

I thought we were past the ridiculous and totally unprovable claims that someone else could have beaten Trump.

Now playing

A nobody, an often-criticized afterthought on a team consisting of the game’s biggest star, injured early on and confined to the sidelines, some exciting young talent and some old dogs playing above their diminished skill level all led by an engineer-turned-journeyman manager, scores a ridiculous goal against the home

I get your point and long term agree with you. Not everyone working at the law firms that protect Trump against all of his suits support him. Not all the people who work in the medical practice with his doctors like him. Barron’s teachers probably loathe him. It’s your job so you do what you have to do.

And walking off the court without shaking your opponent’s hand is....?

Yeah, you know what? I’m tired of having low expectations of people.

yeah, but this is just a symptom of how liberals thrive on critique and righteousness. Its the same as that guy from hamilton addressing Pence, but then we go through his tweeter feed and find one scetchy thing he said and call him a rapist (literally, there were people in the comments section calling him a rapist).

Were those Tampa teams supremely talented?

Brady and Belichick both had a chance to respectfully disavow/condemn a fat racist/misogynist pig running for president and chose instead to parrot their trademark non-speak, a total slap in the face to teammates, fans and Patriots employees who are women and/or people of color.


I saw an early screening of this and walked away with a completely different view of the movie. And now I feel like I need to defend it lol.

You obviously have never lived outside of your USofA. This, the “longer you play the game” bit of yours is so totally absolutely completely wrong. So absurdly sad, so foolhardy, and just so ignorantly just, wrong.

Can we settle for Joakim Noah?

Sure, but Sarandon was part of a broader movement among the left that muddied the waters and helped turn Hillary into the “lesser of two evils.”