Mouth Siren Cop

Hey Jim! That’s why long-term trends are more important than year-to-year timescales. Even with the margin of error, both 2015 and 2016 are above the data from many years ago. 9 of 10 of the hottest years were in the 21st Century. What you’re doing is called quibbling.

I’m not a Mr.

Bernie will get more coherent answers if he grills a hotdog.

I get your point but this reductive line of questioning only compounds the idea that legitimate issues of competence within our government are- in fact- just people complaining that “their” candidate lost.

Knock it off with Hillary is corrupt thing. We’re watching a man enter office that will probably bring about the collapse of modern civilization BUT HER EMAILS!!! GUYS, EMAILS

Don’t be such a snowflake

Science and technology” includes science, of which ‘climate science’ is one science that is included under the umbrella of science. Literally nobody cares what you want, and if you just come here to see what’s new with electronics and gadgets, you can feel free not to click on the political articles that you don’t

“the truth always swings to the left”

hurrrrrr libtard Gizmodo with their science and technology article that relates directly to a science denying President hurrrrrrrr safe space Pepe liberal elite durrrr

Why would a blog about science be pro-science? I think you answered your own question there.

I came here and clicked on this article and signed into Kinja and wrote this comment and clicked Publish to see what’s new with electronics and gadgets.

Y (GDP) = C (consumption) + I (investment*) + G (government spending) + NX (net exports, or exports minus imports).

It’s almost as if the money doesn’t actually trickle down at all!

Unless the US undergoes a massive fundamental shift in how economic activity is produced, the economy will most certainly suffer under your scenario. between 2/3 and 3/4 of GDP is consumer spending. When the middle class suffers, consumer spending lags, and drags the economy down with it.

The economy isn’t going to falter. There will be a ton of money made by companies.

Gessen’s reading is essential to sanity of every US citizen after tomorrow.


Yes and when 99% of scientists (100 if we exclude those on fossil fuels dime) tell you that it is actually, after years of research, in fact wet? That isn’t an area of disagreement it’s an area where you are being ignorant. But keep using inappropriate metaphors, you have a knack for it.

For any nominee not to make it would require 3 Republican Senators to flip. Very unlikely.