Thats a good way to describe it. What about you - did you do a hillbilly square-dance when you pulled for trump? or did you write-in reagan?
Thats a good way to describe it. What about you - did you do a hillbilly square-dance when you pulled for trump? or did you write-in reagan?
Proud Bernie Bro you culturally ignorant, white supremacist POS - walk it like I talk it.
There are two reasons to be republican: you have no understanding of economics - the last 45 years have proven all of Milton Friedman’s policies to be nothing more than supremacist drivel- or - you stand for the party’s social platform, which is racist/xenophobic/sexist/queerist. Those are your fucking facts white…
Normally, I’m a cheerful, chatty guy - but these two have history. I’m really just done with conservatives in general though - not looking to build bridges, not looking for conversation - I’ve come to fight. Coddling them or even allowing the idea that their hate-thought has ANY fucking merit is what got us trump.
Milton fucking Friedman you fucking imbecile - that you’re illiterate is not my concern. That you don’t have the fucking balls to rep your own bullshit ideology is not my concern. Nothing about your fat, pasty, white ass is my concern other than your demise
Go starch your khakis or polish your shitty chevy product you square ass golfer
75 years of history are your facts you fucking imbecile. The days of coddling republican fucking morons are over. History has spoken -your economics are shit and your social policies are racist and all the fucking -phobics. Eat absolutely every dick you dumbass, uninformed fucking poltroon
You poor, delicate, ignorant-to-history, little flower. These people backed a fucking dictator and ran to America to escape justice. Have you ever heard the name Fulgencio Batista?
These people are fucking Batista supporters. They should all be sent back to Cuba to stand trial for their crimes against BOTH countries.
You’re talking about people who, along with their parents and grandparents, were benefitting from working with a US-backed dictator. These people’s morals were always ambiguous and a big-tough talking strong man telling them where to be and when is what they’ve always dreamed of. Fucking lowest of low-lifes
Fucking Batista supporters have been ruining Fla politics -which doesn’t need any help - for the last 40+ years
See above you fucking knuckle-dragger
75 years of economic history say otherwise you uninformed mouth breather. Keynes won - Friedman was an elitist white supremacist and his ideas were shit - they’d be in the dustbin of history if not for even stupider sycophantic fucking morons like you
Eat all the dicks you republican twat. I’m not looking for dialogue with shitbag racists.
For me, shrooms are like 6-8 and acid is roughly 12-16.
So why GOP? You just not understand economics - or is it the darkies?
Exactly. Ask them about a protest and they’ll call you a dirty hippy then tell you why Putin is the man. There is no movement. Americans are fat, stupid, and just happy enough not to risk any of it. That red pill is a bitch.
Authority has little to do with your actual community - the Panthers proved that. Its impossible to keep beating your head up against the same wall, but taking ownership in one’s surroundings, connecting with the group thats closest - organizing - are essential to real resistance. Things like littering create a…
So you were attacked for throwing away her BK bag? Shenanigans