Mouth Siren Cop

I’ve actually put more thought into this than I should have. Six federal zones: Northeast (NY to WV -thats right motherfuckers, you get NY, but you’re taking NJ, PENN, and WV) Mid-Atlantic (Maryland to NC) Dixie (plus Florida) Texa-Mexi-Zona-Homa( self-explanatory) California Repub (includes Idaho and Wash) and the

Bullshit. Arguing policy points means taking the time to understand the policy = hard. Looking at a fucking pic = easy. Motherfuckers are just lazy as fuck and refuse to put an inkling of effort into understanding the world around them.

Jeffrey Goldberg. Nuff said

Corn-based ethanol - absolutely. BUT - again, not a priority considering the Department of Education, Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Communications Commission, National Parks Service, and Department of Energy are all in serious danger of either being completely neutered or shut down altogether - which was

Again, ethanol is not the reason for the corn subsidy. Its a so-so solution to a “what the fuck do we do with all this corn nobody wants” problem. I’m all for ending corn subsidies immediately, but that’s not what you guys are talking about - especially not uncle stig up there who is literally only worried about the

Ethanol, just like cheetos and pringles, is a by-product of corn subsidies, not the driving factor. Feeding corn to cows is also a by-product of corn subsidies - change that and meat prices in the US go up - which would be a good thing, but that’s not the point you thought you were making.

Because you’re a myopic fucking moron. With the problems facing this country, fucking ethanol ranks approximately 4,506, 201st. Republican twat

Ricky Rubio?

If you think this is because she isn’t smiling all the time, you’re not paying ANY attention.

Even the kid is a loss at this point. He’s got evil genes and he’s being brought up in Nero’s inner circle.

“I can’t really hate her for toeing the party line - loathsome as Trump’s beliefs are, he’s her meal ticket.”

Manafort, Page, Tillerson.

I’ve been yelling this since Occupy and those “free-speech zones”

Its petty as fuck, but I’m going to send him a shitty tweet everyday until he’s gone. Normally, I wouldn’t even, but it might actually get to him.

I was sitting right there!

MLK gets shit done without Malcolm, the Panthers, Detroit, and Watts. Non-violence sounds great when the alternative is an actual fight. Without that threat, its just twee

You are what’s known as a weak-sister. A coward. This whole thing will be much too ugly for you. Don’t worry though, those of us with spines will do the heavy lifting and your irresponsible, weak-kneed, petulant ass will be just fine and free to reap the rewards of our fight. If we don’t put your ass on the wall with

53% of white women voted for Trump. So they have immediate buyers remorse? Whatever their reason, as a group, white women have displayed overwhelmingly poor judgment so, now would be a good time for them to STFU and let somebody else take a swing at bat

These are “why I oughtta - back of my hand” type of folks. And their counterparts are Stepford Wives. Only thing that would result from conservative women withholding sex would be a rise in domestic violence and unreported rapes

If you take your kids to shit like this, its borderline child abuse. Same goes for the Wiggles and any other pablum aimed at kids. They’re small humans, not brain dead slugs