You have a problem with basic facts about major world events.
You have a problem with basic facts about major world events.
I started with it cause it came from the heart. You’re clueless about major events that just affected everybody’s lives. You’re singularly responsible for Trump you corny ass square
Personally, I think he was cracking up in the embassy and saw this as his last real chance to get out of his situation. Kinda think Trump gives him a pardon
Nah, fuck you. Both of the women in question have challenged the statements attributed to them. That you don’t see this as a ham-fisted attempt at the US to have him extradited to stand trial as a spy is exactly how Trump happened - uninformed morons like you doubling down on “its her turn” without having a fucking…
It is. But the thing about Assange is, he’s painted himself into a fucked up corner. The Wikileaks dump was a triumph, but he had to know they would come after him - yet he was woefully unprepared for the backlash. Then, he pretty much cracked, let his hatred of Hillary (justified as it may be) sway his thinking - now…
1) She didn’t create anything - her team - Dr. Luke and company and others before - wrote her music, crafted her image, told her what to wear/say/do and when to do it.
What are you implying about Reagan and Thatcher’s “special” relationship?
Oh no - don’t let this motherfucker off the hook with some “oh, that’s how we Brits do it”. Loose/lose are not interchangeable in any known language on the planet earth. That is some reddit-bro twitter speak bullshit and it should be burned with fire
Do you motherfuckers ever read the article or just see HamNo, a title, and race to the comments?
So you’re admitting you’re a shitty person, but your current financial status forces you to be amiable?
Found the republican!
So Exodus is basically a torrent downloader/streamer?
This whole thing is hilarious and not really based in reality.
“In a way, the Bronco is an embodiment of a classic American dream—an open road in the American southwest, a cigar hanging out of your mouth, a four-speed on the floor, and a Mexican-style woven blanket tossed over the bench. There’s a reason you see Broncos all over Hollywood films and in all sorts of music videos…
Sit the fuck down. Its a mini-van.
Have you ever met an American?
Thank white women
I’m not even going to delve into the whole Assange “thing” - this is global geopolitics at its finest - I will say this: Assange will be walking free inside of the first 6 months of the inauguration. All the players in this shenanigan will be rewarded
This is grade a material here ladies and gents. Obvious troll is obvious, right? Haha - knee slapper. But what really puts this one over is the ambiguity - “wait, but this guy really does hate the social safety though?”
Bill Clinton, affable rogue, said the difference in American society today basically falls to whether or not you view the 1960's - struggle for civil rights, hippies, anti-war movement - as a good thing. I was raised by dirty lefties, so I always took it as a given that everyone thought flower power was awesome. But…