
I love your Mom!

I wish I had been there to see this but

I hope you have fun when you get there!


The red one is a valve mask, and is useless because the valve lets all your germs out as you breathe (sorry the brain fog is bad atm and this is the only way I can describe it)

Congrats to Mini Buspass!

Thank you, that was a much needed laugh :D

Will do!

I don’t either :)

I’ve got my fingers crossed for you!

Congratulations! That’s amazing!

Hey Jezzies, how are ya’ll tonight?

Autistic from England here, when I was diagnosed, my mum said ‘well fuck.’ Turned back to the doctor, and said ‘Right, so how do we deal with this?’ She listened to doctors and physiotherapists (more for the physical health issues, but showed me how to stim without hurting myself,) occupational therapists, took their

Thank you, I’m doing better today :)

Thank you, you’ve just brought back fond Christmas memories :)

Congrats to your teen! That’s amazing!


I hope you’re feeling back to your normal self soon <3 <3 <3 <3 <3