Mouthface got Kinja'd

Which brand lip balm would you recommend out of Lush and Burt’s Bees? I want to get my mum some for Christmas, but I don’t know which is better. She used to use Nivea, but can’t get it anywhere near us now, none of the shops stock it, and when she asked one shop, the bloke got really nasty and said it’s no point in

Thank you for this. I’ll show Chris when I talk to him in a bit.

Thank you for this. I’ve just sat here for a good five minutes laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe, and scared my mum and cat.

She sounds like Ruby and Lucy. Their favourite word at the moment is ‘vagina’, especially when they’re in public and they shout it as loud as they can.

She sounds like a hoot.

I hope you can get sorted out soon

Thank you

They are, until you try making them, then they’re the work of Satan himself. I’m not getting on very well with them.

I love chihuahuas! I’d love one, but there’s no way my disabled ass self could ever look after one properly, and it’s not fair on the poor dog if I get one and can’t take it out anywhere. Also they have fantastic names ;)

Ahh I’m happy for all three of you! That’s gotta be super exciting for you all :)

I’ve told him that as well. He thinks because she’s his mum, he should try and help

This is what I told him, he thinks he should try and help because she’s his mum.

That sounds adorable! Also Mr Bean used to be my favourite when I was a kid

P3 is a charity that helps people with different things, like someone could go there homeless, and they’d help them get somewhere to live, and get back on their feet. The lady who helped my brother got through all the nonsense that the benefits office throw at you, and got him on jobseekers instead of them saying

It’ a platonic date, where neither of us has a Starbucks nearby, but he saw a Starbucks party online and wanted to recreate it without actually going to Starbucks. (I hope that makes sense)


I’m having a not quite Starbucks coffee date with my friend tomorrow. We’re going baking, and I bought some Beanies flavoured coffee to try. We may also make some wax melts, depending on how many spoons we have.

I wish I took pictures of this, but I bought my cats new collars today, and when I put the little cats collar on, he ran to the mirror, and sat there, preening and admiring himself in the mirror.

Congratulations! I’m attempting to crochet some baby booties as my cousin and his wife have found out she’s pregnant. They’ve had god knows how many rounds of IVF, and on the last round, she got pregnant!

Congratulations! What kind of venues are you looking at? Are you looking to have it in a hotel, with ceremony and reception, or just ceremony, or just reception? Also are you fussed about where you have it? When I was planning mine, our cheapest venue was a pub, that provided it was either on a Monday, Tuesday, or